workout of the day
WOD 24:00
3 Sets in 6min
1/2 Kneeling Slam Ball Rotational Throws x 10/side
Barbell Roll-Outs x 10
R: 2min
3 Sets in 6min
Sandbag Carry x 100ft
Double KB Overhead Carry x 100ft
R: 2min
3 Sets in 6min
Rower Pike Ups x 10
Weighted Plank x 1min
Warm Up
400m run or row
3 rounds
10 elevated ring rows (tempo- 3 second down)
8/side weighted step ups
50' DB overhead walk- each hand has a DB
4 eccentric pull ups- 4-6 second descend
30 sec/side banded ankle stretch
5 Kang squats
15 banded glute bridges both with wide and narrow feet
Skill: barbell cycling
Every 2:00 for 12:00
5 reps TNG power cleans- choose a load and stick to it for all rounds
WOD 24:00
3 Sets in 6min
1/2 Kneeling Slam Ball Rotational Throws x 10/side
Barbell Roll-Outs x 10
R: 2min
3 Sets in 6min
Sandbag Carry x 100ft
Double KB Overhead Carry x 100ft
R: 2min
3 Sets in 6min
Rower Pike Ups x 10
Weighted Plank x 1min
Monthly Mobility Challenge
Week Three
Lizard pose 1 min/side
Seal Pose/ Sphinx 2 mins
Frog pose 2 mins
Saddle pose with eagle arms 1 min/side with arms
Table top 2 mins
1 min= 1 rep