workout of the day
AMRAP 10:00
keep adding 1 rep each round until time expires
1 push press 95/65 75/55 45/35
1 burpee box jump 24/20"
2 push press
2 burpee box jump
3 push press
3 burpee box jump
Warm up
2 sets
cardio 400m
5 barbell strict press
5 barbell back squats
3 each side perfect stretch
10 bird dogs
front rack stretch x 30 seconds
xiaopengs x 5 each side
wrist stretches- check the video
strict press
5 sets of 2 reps@ 80-85% 1 RM
3 rounds
A. Suitcase curtsy squats @2020 x 10 each side
B. Low Cossack squats w/weight in the front rack if you can @ 2020 x 6 each side
C. Jumping lunges x 20-24 total OR box jumps x 10 reps OR weighted step ups x 7 each side
AMRAP 10:00
keep adding 1 rep each round until time expires
1 push press 95/65 75/55 45/35
1 burpee box jump 24/20"
2 push press
2 burpee box jump
3 push press
3 burpee box jump
"EMOM Mania"
10:00 EMOM
10 DB snatch + 10-30 DUs or practice with DUs
OR 5 reps barbell snatch at your 70% + 10-30 DUs
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
OR 10 front squats @ your snatch weight + 5 sit ups
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 weighted step ups + 3-6 push ups
OR 10 weighted step ups with a racked barbell + 3-6 push ups or pull ups
Warm Up
3 sets
12 rotating planks- from the elbows- rotate to the side plank-6 each side
12 bent over alternating DB rows- hold for 1 second at the top
12 tall plank shoulder taps- 6/side
dorsiflexion matrix x 20 reps
quadruped Y's x 5/side
Cossack lunge + overhead reach x 5/side
"EMOM Mania"
10:00 EMOM
10 DB snatch + 10-30 DUs or practice with DUs
OR 5 reps barbell snatch at your 70% + 10-30 DUs
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
OR 10 front squats @ your snatch weight + 5 sit ups
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 weighted step ups + 3-6 push ups
OR 10 weighted step ups with a racked barbell + 3-6 push ups or pull ups
WOD (12:00)
"Water Proof"
3 rounds
gorilla rows x 7/side 50/35 35/20
max reps anchored sit ups until time expires
Rest 1:00
directly into...
3 rounds
renegade rows x 5 reps 50/35 35/20
max reps weighted steps until time expires
Rest 1:00
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 single leg glute bridges
10 skaters with a 2 second pause on the landing
10 light DB high pulls from the tall position
one round each side of the DB complex: 2 DB windmills + 1 DB single arm OHS + 2 DB single arm press in squat
3 sets of
Hip Flexor kicks - 5 reps each leg
RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat x 6-8 per side
start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot
Squatober Day 9
Back squat
3 reps @ 60%
2 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 85%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
WOD (12:00)
"Water Proof"
3 rounds
gorilla rows x 7/side 50/35 35/20
max reps anchored sit ups until time expires
Rest 1:00
directly into...
3 rounds
renegade rows x 5 reps 50/35 35/20
max reps weighted steps until time expires
Rest 1:00
For Time
30 Front squats
30 Hang power cleans
30 Power snatch
30 Back squats
every min on the minute starting at 0:00 on the clock, complete 3 burpees
suggest weights
96/65 75/55 65/45
Warm up
2 rounds
12 banded pull aparts with a one second hold
6-8/side KB front racked drop back lunges- stand on a plate and drop one foot off plate into a lunge position
20 second hollow hold
6/side shoulder taps with a one second pause
3 sets
A. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
B. xiaopengs x 5/arm
**For the front rack stretch, I focus on pushing the elbows up and back as hard as I can for ~30 sec per round.
**For the xiaopengs in each direction, I focus on creating a perfect circle- you can do these against the wall to guide you. I always rotate my palm up on the way up, and use 5-10lbs.
8:00 EMOM
min 1- 30 second handstand hold
min 2- 30-40 DUs
min 3- 8-10 each side weighted step ups
min 4- L-sit hold
For Time
30 Front squats
30 Hang power cleans
30 Power snatch
30 Back squats
every min on the minute starting at 0:00 on the clock, complete 3 burpees
suggest weights
96/65 75/55 65/45
WOD (15:00)
"Bar Keeper"
AMRAP 3:00
9/6 cals bike or 15/10 cals row
9 power snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35
rest 3:00
AMRAP 3:00
9/6 cals bike or 15/10 cals row
7 power snatch 115/85 95/65 75/55
rest 3:00
AMRAP 3:00
9/6 cals bike or 15/10 cals row
5 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
3 sets
100m run building effort
10 reactive box step ups/leg
10 DB sumo jump squats10 DB alt. snatch - 5/side
3 sets
barbell hip thrusts x 8-10 reps @ 20X2
snatch grip bent over rows x 8
weighted step ups x 5 each side
WOD (15:00)
"Bar Keeper"
AMRAP 3:00
9/6 cals bike or 15/10 cals row
9 power snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35
rest 3:00
AMRAP 3:00
9/6 cals bike or 15/10 cals row
7 power snatch 115/85 95/65 75/55
rest 3:00
AMRAP 3:00
9/6 cals bike or 15/10 cals row
5 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Warm Up
30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
repeat above
4 each side perfect stretch
30 squat hold
5 inchworms
10 PVC Cuban presses
Strength EMOM 10:00
min 1: weighted step ups 45 seconds
min 2: strict press 45 seconds
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Glute Max
3 rounds
10/side single leg hip bridges
5/ side 2 foot up, 1 foot down slowly hip bridges
10/side single side lying hip bridges
30 frog pumps
45 seconds tall plank weighted pull thrus
Rest 1:00