workout of the day
Every 3:00 for 12:00
bike 10/8 cals
3 reps with wreckbag in the front rack position
reverse lunge right + reverse lunge left + squat
2 reps with wreckbag
plank pull through right + plank pull through left https://vimeo.com/227299956
1 rep with wreckbag
climbing push up right + climbing push up left https://vimeo.com/227292600
Warm Up:
4:00 row/bike/jump/run- mix it up
30 sec deep squat hold
30 sec puppy dog pose
then 5 sets of
4 Cossack squats
4 burpees
4 jumping lunges or thai squats
Primer: 6:00
odds- 30 second handstand hold on wall
evens- 30 second plank or hollow hold
Skill: strict press
Empty bar x 20
50% x 5
60% x 4
70% x 3
75% x 2
80% x 1
55% x 5 x 2 sets
Every 3:00 for 12:00
bike 10/8 cals
3 reps with wreckbag in the front rack position
reverse lunge right + reverse lunge left + squat
2 reps with wreckbag
plank pull through right + plank pull through left https://vimeo.com/227299956
1 rep with wreckbag
climbing push up right + climbing push up left https://vimeo.com/227292600