Warm Up2 rounds
200m row or bike spiderman lunges x 5 reps each side inchworms x 5 reps seated low banded rows x 20 reps - attach a band to the rig at chest height. Pull the band to your chest, like rowing, keeping the shoulders down. Slowly return to extension.
Barbell bent over rows in snatch grip x 10 reps Muscle snatch from mid-thigh x 5 reps OHS x 5 reps
Mobility: PVC platter drill- 5 platter squats then 5 platter squats with a pause at the bottom of the squat to switch the hands on the PVC to regular grip. Then stand up.
Partner band squats (upper) x 5-8 reps each - wrap the red resistance band around the back of the hands. Holding onto the band to create resistance, have the athlete place both arms overhead and pull back from the shoulders to keep tension while performing a squat.
Skill: snatch + OHS
E2M for 10:00
1 Power snatch + 3 OHS at 70-85%
30 DUs or 60 singles
10 Push press 95/65- from the ground
250m row
Rest 1:00