Warm Up:3 Sets: 10 Snatch Grip Behind-The-Neck Press 10 Snatch Grip Barbell Rows 10 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts First 2 sets with empty bar, then add light load for third set.
Mobility: banded lat stretch x :30 each side banded hp hinge stretch x :30 each side deep squat progressions x 5-7 reps wrist and ankle stretches Snatch Day 5:00 EMOM 1 x snatch @70%
4:00 EMOM 1 x snatch@75%
3:00 EMOM 1 x snatch@80%
Then 2sets of 3 snatch pulls @85%
WOD: 8:00 AMRAP 10 DB snatch 50/35 20 each side walking lunges- no weight 30 DUs