
Warm Up200m run 10 scap pull ups 10 side step ups on box 200m run 10 scap push ups 10 foot drag step ups on box 200m run 5 pull ups + 5 push ups 10 alternating pistols

Mobility: with mini-bands clam shells x 10 each side hip bridges x 10 squats x 10 lateral walks x 10 each direction monster walks x 10 each direction

Skill: sumo deadlift 5 reps @65% 5 reps @ 70% 4 reps @80% 3 reps @85% 2 reps @90% Things to remember with sumo DL 1. Stance- knees out to where your ankles are 2. Point toes out. Bar close to body for a smooth, shorter pull 3. Hips close to the barbell- low enough to keep your back straight and still have good hamstring tension 4. Get body behind bar- pull yourself down into the bar before you lift and then pull bar into body 5. Spread the floor- create torque in hips and force knees out on the way up 6. Shoot hips through

WOD: 21 Back squats 135/95 or 115/75 or 95/65 21 Push ups 15 Front squats 135/95 or 115/75 or 95/65 15 Ring rows 9 OHS 135/95 or115/75 or 95/65 9 C2B pull ups sub pull ups



