Warm Up400m Run primal crawl: start on all 4s and then lift knees off the floor just slightly. In this crawl position, move 5 steps forward, 5 steps backwards, 5 to the right side (where you move right hand and right foot at the same time) and then 5 to the left side. 5 x slam ball cleans 5 x slam ball throws over your back 5 x slam ball lateral throws Mobility: Banded pec stretch or banded bully stretch x :30 each side
Thoracic Spine stretch with band- Get into the band like you are doing a banded good morning. Then take the band and tuck in under the armpits so the band lays on your thoracic spine- flat across your back. Grab the rig with both hands, hinge at hips and lower your chest and head to feel the stretch in the upper back and shoulder area. Hold for :45
Downward dog HSPU x 6-10 reps Wall walk + 10 thigh taps Russian baby makers x 10 reps Wall walk + 2 burpees Skill: Push Press *Set 1 – 5 reps *Set 2 – 3 reps *Sets 3-6 – 1 rep Rest 2 minutes between sets WOD 3sets with 3:00 rest in between 250m run 20 unbroken wall balls 20/14 20 KB swings 32/24kg * this should be a sprint for each round *record all 3 rounds on the board