
Warm Up:200m row 10 Russian baby makers 10 PVC pass thrus 10 PVC tall cleans 10 PVC OHS 200m row 10 spiderman lunges 10 slow front squats- empty barbell 10 strict press- empty barbell

Mobility: Banded lat stretch x :45 each side Wall squat hold x 1:30 Wrist stretches x :30 each position Tricep smash on racked barbell x 1:00 each side


Skill: clean & jerk 3 sets of 3 tall jerks + 3 tall cleans- start with empty barbell to move to light load then... 3 sets of 3 jerk balances + 3 high hang squat cleans- start with light load and build

*tall jerk- stand tall with the bar pressed to the top of the forehead. As the feet transition, punch against the bar with the arms to push down into a quarter squat depth. Move head back through the arms and lock out the same time the feet reconnect with the ground. Hold the receiving position for 3 seconds. *jerk balance- begin with feet in partial split position. Dip and drive bar straight up, keep the back foot planted and lift the front foot to step out into the full split length.


WOD 7:00 EMOM 1 rep C& J 1- @ 50% 2- @55% 3- @60% 4- @65% 5- @70% 6- @75% 7- @80% then... E2M 1 rep C&J 1 @ 84% 1 @88% then 5 sets of heavy singles



