Bike 10/8 cals
Cat Camel Rock Backs: x 5 https://vimeo.com/204093036
Inchworms: x 5
Bike 10/8 cals
Single leg hip bridges x 10/side
Push ups x 5-10 reps
Bike 10/8 cals
banded clam shells x 10/side
banded external rotations x 10 (band around the wrists, elbows stay in)
Sumo Deadlift: 3 x 18 https://vimeo.com/155587586
Sciatic Nerve Flossing: 30 seconds each leg between sets of Sumo Deadlift https://vimeo.com/130766387
**Sumo Deadlift weight should be 33% or less of your 1 rep max Deadlift. Maintain a “slower down faster up” tempo on all sets.
Snatch Warm Up
1 snatch pull
1 hang power snatch
1 power snatch
2 reps at each 45%-50%-55%
Not for time- for quality movements
5 power snatch- can be unbroken or singles
in between sets of power snatch complete reps unbroken gymnastics:
2 muscle ups - rings or bar
4 C2B pull ups- strict or kip
4 ring dips- strict or kip
6 pull ups - banded, strict or kip
4-6 HSPU
6-8 push ups
Mobility for the week:
Saddle pose 3:00
Lizard pose 2:00/side
Child's pose with shoulder variation 2:00
Twisted cross pose 1:00/side