
Warm Up
2 rounds

Bike/Row 10/8 cals
10 hip /leg swings over a low racked PVC on rig (or a band across rig works)
10 deadbugs
10 slow to fast air squats
25 feet spiderman walking lunges (greatest stretch alive)
25 feet crab walk

Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BszDWN-gb0S/

1. Rocking ankle stretch 8-10 reps each side
2. Wide stance rocking 8-10 reps
3. Heel sit T- spine rotations 8-10 reps each side
4. Squat prying 15 second hold with KB then stand up x 3 sets
5. Deep squat wall slides 8-10 reps

Clean Warm Up
5 reps tall jerks- barbell starts at the forehead
5 reps jerk balance- start in the split position and move the front foot back 3/4 of the way and then split jerk
5 tall cleans
5 hang squat cleans

Skill: clean and jerk complex
on the 2:00 for 5 sets
1 squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 high hang squat clean
1 split jerk

set 1- 65%
set 2- 70%
set 3, 4,5 70-80% based on feel. Focus today is technique, versus maximal load

10:00 EMOM
every min perform 3 bar facing burpees + 1 heavy clean @ 85%

Core Finisher

3 sets - all on a bench
5 reps each side moving DB lateral underneath your plank
5 reps each side plank with DB powell raise
10 reps in a plank doing up downs



