Warm up
400m row or bike
Push Up Shoulder Tap: x 10
Standing Pass Through with PVC: x 10
Sumo Inchworm: x 10
Yoga Push Up: x 10
2 sets
1-arm high pulls x 10 reps each side @70-80% your 5 RM
use a slower down, faster up tempo with proper form
1- arm overhead carry x 50 Feet
repeat for the other side
T-spine opener- use a MB or foam roller and overhead stretch x 30- 45 seconds
Banded hip hinge x 10 reps
Shoulder blade sequence with very light DB or no weight
Focus on not shifting your torso and maintaining the other checkpoints we teach (neutral spine, ribs stacking over hips but not thrusting, neutral neck, core engaged, feet active, knees neutral).
Burgener Warm Up with PVC
*The warm-up you will do every day for the rest of your life*
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)- do muscle clean
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)- do tall clean with these drops
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)- tall cleans to the full depth
For Time
15 Clean & Jerks
15 Snatch
10 C&J
10 Snatch
5 C&J
5 Snatch
weights stay the same throughout- movements can be power or squat155/105 115/75 95/65
January Monthly Challenge
Walking lunges
Day 2- 4 walking lunges each side