Warm Up
200 m bike or row
5/side lateral box step ups
10 hip bridges- feet on top of box
5/side Cossack squats
200m bike or row
20 shoulder taps
10/side single arm high pulls
200m bike or row
25 feet perfect stretch walk
25 crab walk
45 seconds goblet squat with dorsiflexion stretch https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GnYEnHJxG/
10 sit squats on MB (same video as above)
10/side psoas march
Skill: back squats day 10
4 reps @ 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%
while resting your 2 minutes between sets, complete 20 reps banded tricep extensions
10:00 AMRAP
10 burpee box jump overs
20 walking lunges - 10/side
30 DUs or 60 singles
Post WOD Core
3 sets if time
10/side x half kneeling rotational MB throws to wall
6-8 x strict TTB
12 x hip extensions (supermans on the floor)
January Monthly Challenge- Walking lunges
Day 3- 6 walking lunges each side