workout of the day
Cardio Craze
For Time
500m row
30 burpees over the erg
500m row
20 burpees over the erg
500m row
10 burpees over the erg
500m row
Overhead prep
2 sets100 feet per exercise
1. Bent Arm Waiter Walk: Maintain tension in the lats instead of the bicep. If you struggle getting the upper back and lats tight before you jerk, this can help!
2. Straight Arm Waiter Walk: Extend through the shoulder and push up into the plate as hard as you can. Elbow should be locked out.
3. Suitcase Carry- Stand up tall by maintaining a tight upper back and 360 degree pressure in the core to keep the weight from pulling you sideways. This is a great unilateral core exercise that also requires you to keep the lats tight.
Wendler week 3
Bench press
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ reps @95%
Cardio Craze
For Time
500m row
30 burpees over the erg
500m row
20 burpees over the erg
500m row
10 burpees over the erg
500m row
Oh My Core
3 sets
75 feet heavy farmer carry
1:00 forearm plank hold
1:00 rest
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
Warm Up
Cardio 3:00
3 sets
10 each side single leg deadlifts
20-30 second hollow hold
60 seconds suitcase carry- heavy (30 seconds each side)
Accessory Set
3 rounds
A. DB rows x 8/side
B. barbell bicep curls x 15
C. banded tricep extensions x 15
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
Drink in My Hand
shoulder to overhead
sled pull 50m after each set
Warm up
3 sets
30 seconds single unders
8 barbell good mornings
20 seconds hollow rocks
8 barbell Kang squats
Barbell warm up
3 reps of everything
high hang clean extension
high hang clean high pull
high hang power clean
high hang squat clean
repeat all movements from the hang position
complete 3 reps of the following
strict press
push press
push jerk
split jerk
A. push jerk behind the neck in split
5 sets of 5 reps- light weights
2 seconds pause in the catch position
B. 5 sets
1 power clean
3 push jerks
C. 5 sets
1 clean & jerk @70-80%
"Run Free"
sled pull sprints
3 rounds
starting at the small dumpster- behind our normal start line
sprint with your sled- about 30 seconds to the fence
return the sled to the start by reverse dragging it back
women add 20# to the sled
men add 50# to the sled
Rest about 2:30-3:00 between rounds
dual DB/KB leg lowers
Dual DB/KB Turkish sit ups
dual DB/KB flutter kicks x 2
"Clean Up"
100 DUs
40 TTB
20 power cleans 155/105 115/75 95/65
10 OHS
HOT START -Warm up
3 rounds -
warm up / increase pace per round:
200m run
10 Alt Cossack Squats/leg
10 empty barbell power cleans
15 Anchored Feet Sit Ups
prone PVC lift offs https://youtu.be/AFWK8sln0k4
open book stretch x 4/side
Cuban Press x 10
Strength: cleans
6 sets
every 2:00 complete
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
1 jerk
start at 55-65% and build load
"Clean Up"
For Time
100 DUs
40 TTB
20 power cleans 155/105 115/75 95/65
10 OHS 155/105 115/75 95/65
Post WOD
Core https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPQijHrVmnw&t=234s
2 sets of
Tuck-Up x 10 reps
V-Up x 10 reps
Candlestick Raises x 10 reps
One Arm/One Leg Plank x 10 reps
Hand Plank Knee-To-Armpit x 10 reps
Low Push-Up Hold x max effort
Rest as needed
"Half Bad"
6 rounds
2:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest
pick up where you left off
2 hang squat cleans
4 front squats
6 thrusters
8 burpees
**barbell 95/65 or one or two DBs
Warm Up
2 rounds
14 steps shuffle each direction
5 each side perfect stretch walk
5 inchworms + push up
10 deep squat progressions
A. child's pose x 30 seconds
B. child's pose with arm lift offs x 8/side
C. t-spine rotations x 8/side
D. table top hold x 30 seconds
"Half Bad"
6 rounds
2:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest
pick up where you left off
2 hang squat cleans
4 front squats
6 thrusters
8 burpees
**barbell 95/65 or one or two DBs
Core Finisher
4 rounds:
15 seconds star plank hold per side
30 seconds rest
10:00 AMRAP
10 burpee box jump overs
20 walking lunges - 10/side
30 DUs or 60 singles
Post WOD Core
3 sets if time
10/side x half kneeling rotational MB throws to wall
6-8 x strict TTB
12 x hip extensions (supermans on the floor)
January Monthly Challenge- Walking lunges
Day 3- 6 walking lunges each side
Warm Up
200 m bike or row
5/side lateral box step ups
10 hip bridges- feet on top of box
5/side Cossack squats
200m bike or row
20 shoulder taps
10/side single arm high pulls
200m bike or row
25 feet perfect stretch walk
25 crab walk
45 seconds goblet squat with dorsiflexion stretch https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GnYEnHJxG/
10 sit squats on MB (same video as above)
10/side psoas march
Skill: back squats day 10
4 reps @ 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%
while resting your 2 minutes between sets, complete 20 reps banded tricep extensions
10:00 AMRAP
10 burpee box jump overs
20 walking lunges - 10/side
30 DUs or 60 singles
Post WOD Core
3 sets if time
10/side x half kneeling rotational MB throws to wall
6-8 x strict TTB
12 x hip extensions (supermans on the floor)
January Monthly Challenge- Walking lunges
Day 3- 6 walking lunges each side