
Warm Up
2 rounds
Prone Y,T, W's x 10 reps each https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DREKi2KYkOU&index=11&
slow to fast goblet squats x 10
TGU x 2 each side

t-spine rotations x 7 each side
downward dog stretch x 30 seconds
downward dog with wider stance- reach back hand to opposite foot and hold for 2 seconds x 5 reps/side
10/side shoulder taps
3 negative push ups- slowly lower and get back up however you like

Skill:  handstand work from a cooler or a bench/box

Six sets of the entire complex: rest 1min between sets

1️ HSPU from the cooler x2
2️ Walk out to plank and back to stack x2
3️ Leg raises x1 per leg
4️ Corner walk x1 per corner
5️ Leg raises x1 per leg
6️ HSPU from the cooler x2

"Rocky Road"
For Time
400m run
15 thrusters 95/65 75/55 65/45
400m run
12 thrusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
400m run
9 thrusters 155/105 135/95 95/65
400m run
6 thrusters 175/115 155/105 105/75
**if you have the barbell at home, the weights are listed
**if you have a single DB you can alternate sides or use one DB in the center of your body to overhead
**dual DBs is really nice here if you have them!!

Core Burner
3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
10 tuck ups
10 second hollow hold
Rest 1:00 between rounds



