workout of the day
From 0:00 – 3:00:
2 Rounds:
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
4 Devil’s Press (35/20#)
From 3:00 – 6:00
2 Rounds:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
5 Devil’s Press
From 6:00 – 9:00
2 Rounds:
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
6 Devil’s Press
TIME CAP: 21:00
… Continue sequence until you no longer complete the reps in the 3:00 clock.
Warm Up
2 sets
5 single arm suitcase DB deadlifts Right
5 single arm DB cleans Right
5 single arm DB push press Right
20m single arm DB OH carry Right
repeat all movements on the Left side
10 Prisoner Kang squats
5 yoga push ups
5 each side perfect stretch walk
5 deep squat walk outs + push up
6:00 EMOM
min 1: DB rear lateral raises x 20- light weight https://youtu.be/Z0HTsZEMedA
min 2: DB hammer curls x 15
min 3: banded lat pull downs x 20
From 0:00 – 3:00:
2 Rounds:
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
4 Devil’s Press (35/20#)
From 3:00 – 6:00
2 Rounds:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
5 Devil’s Press
From 6:00 – 9:00
2 Rounds:
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
6 Devil’s Press
TIME CAP: 21:00… Continue sequence until you no longer complete the reps in the 3:00 clock.
From 0:00 – 3:00:
2 Rounds:
4 Pull-ups
4 Devil’s Press (25/15#)
From 3:00 – 6:00
2 Rounds:
5 Pull-ups
5 Devil’s Press
From 6:00 – 9:00
2 Rounds:
6 Pull-ups
6 Devil’s Press
TIME CAP: 21:00… Continue sequence until you no longer complete the reps in the 3:00 clock.
From 0:00 – 3:00:
2 Rounds:
8 Ring Rows
4 Devil’s Press (15/10#)
From 3:00 – 6:00
2 Rounds:
10 Ring Rows
5 Devil’s Press
From 6:00 – 9:00
2 Rounds:
12 Ring Rows
6 Devil’s Press
TIME CAP: 21:00
Core Burner
4 rounds
Tall plank knee to elbow x 10 reps (5/side)
floor wipers x 5 each side
side star plank hold x 15 seconds each side
straight body crunches x 15 reps
"Black Coffee"
5 rounds
2:00work / 1:00 rest
pick up where you left off
5 cleans with whatever weight you have- one DB or two, barbell, bag, backpack
5 object facing burpee
5 thrusters with whatever weight you have
40 feet bear crawl
*if you have a barbell start round one heavy and then take off weight each round
Warm Up
3 rounds
1:00 feet together hops- like you are jumping rope10 each side drop lunge to knee lift https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h5FQRFpSI/
6 each side quad crawl shoulder taps https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h5FQRFpSI/
10 sow motion power cleans with PVC
Core Burner
4 rounds
L-sit lifts on a box or bench x 10 reps
floor wipers x 5 each side
side star plank hold x 15 seconds each side
straight body crunches x 15 reps
"Black Coffee"
5 rounds
2:00work / 1:00 rest
pick up where you left off
5 cleans with whatever weight you have- one DB or two, barbell, bag, backpack
5 object facing burpee (or tire flips)
5 thrusters with whatever weight you have
40 feet bear crawl
*if you have a barbell start round one heavy and then take off weight each round
"Rocky Road"
For Time
400m run
15 thrusters 95/65 75/55 65/45
400m run
12 thrusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
400m run
9 thrusters 155/105 135/95 95/65
400m run
6 thrusters 175/115 155/105 105/75
**if you have the barbell at home, the weights are listed
**if you have a single DB you can alternate sides or use one DB in the center of your body to overhead
**dual DBs is really nice here if you have them!!
Warm Up
2 rounds
Prone Y,T, W's x 10 reps each https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DREKi2KYkOU&index=11&
slow to fast goblet squats x 10
TGU x 2 each side
t-spine rotations x 7 each side
downward dog stretch x 30 seconds
downward dog with wider stance- reach back hand to opposite foot and hold for 2 seconds x 5 reps/side
10/side shoulder taps
3 negative push ups- slowly lower and get back up however you like
Skill: handstand work from a cooler or a bench/box
Six sets of the entire complex: rest 1min between sets
1️ HSPU from the cooler x2
2️ Walk out to plank and back to stack x2
3️ Leg raises x1 per leg
4️ Corner walk x1 per corner
5️ Leg raises x1 per leg
6️ HSPU from the cooler x2
"Rocky Road"
For Time
400m run
15 thrusters 95/65 75/55 65/45
400m run
12 thrusters 135/95 95/65 75/55
400m run
9 thrusters 155/105 135/95 95/65
400m run
6 thrusters 175/115 155/105 105/75
**if you have the barbell at home, the weights are listed
**if you have a single DB you can alternate sides or use one DB in the center of your body to overhead
**dual DBs is really nice here if you have them!!
Core Burner
3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
10 tuck ups
10 second hollow hold
Rest 1:00 between rounds
8 DB hang snatch on the right side
16 DB overhead hollow body flutter kicks
8 DB hang snatch on the left side
200m run
Rest 1:00
sub running for shuttle runs 10 x 10m or box step/stair step ups x 20
2 rounds
30 second KB march right side* check notes
30 second KB march left side
10/side shoulder taps
10 each leg side plank hip abduction
15 seconds/leg standing straight leg hold
3 sets
8 Half Kneeling DB Lift and Chop/side- move DB over the leg that's in front
5 Strict DB Press/side
10 DB Push Press/side
Home Weightlifting
Snatch balance + OHS 4 sets of 3 reps each movement
slow motion snatch 4 sets of 3 reps
8 DB hang snatch on the right side
16 DB overhead hollow body flutter kicks
8 DB hang snatch on the left side
200m run
Rest 1:00
sub running for shuttle runs 10 x 10m or box step/stair step ups x 20
Core Burnerhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B-chpesBU9Y/
Try for 3 rounds:
-push up shoulder taps x10each
-mtn climbers x15each
-side plank rotations x 8each
-star reaches x8each
-bear crawl knee extensions x 10each
-side plank leg raise x 10each
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB swings x 5
Rest 2:00
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB thrusters x 6 (DB on the right for 3, DB on the left for 3)
Warm up
3 sets
20 frog pumps + 20 second isometric hold at the top of the last rep
8-10 goblet curtsy step down/leg on a box
Strength Super Set
3 sets of:
KB goblet deficit split squat @ 2110 8/side
Cossack squats no weight added @ 30X0
Home Weightlifting with PVC or barbell if you have one to use
clean pull to hold + tall clean + clean + power jerk + split jerk
4 rounds of this complex with 3 reps of each movement
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB swings x 5
Rest 2:00
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB thrusters x 6 (DB on the right for 3, DB on the left for 3)
Two sets of:
Hollow Body Bounce x 60/80/100 reps
Straight Body Ceiling-reaching Crunches x 10/20/30 reps
Tuck Rock to Tuck Sit x 10/20/30 reps
Hollow Body Side-to-side Rocks x 10/20/30 reps
Hand Plank Arch/Hollow x 10/20/30 reps
Limbo Twist x 10/20/30 reps
03.10.2020 Test Set #2
WOD- this should be similar to Fran- go all out!
Test Set #2
15 Power Cleans
15 Thrusters
RX 95/65 SC 75/55 BEG 45/35
Warm Up
15 banded air squats
10/side shoulder taps
25 feet perfect stretch walk
15 jumping jacks
10 dual KB sumo deadlifts
5/side alternating KB strict press- one KB stays racked, while the other is pressed overhead
100 feet KB carry- one in the rack position, one straight overhead (switch sides at 50 feet)
shoulders: 5 each side- light weight https://www.instagram.com/p/B58iPFdBw9t/
front rack: box stretch- 5 deep breaths + lat eccentrics x 10 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6V8iamHNZ8/
ankles: banded distraction x 30 seconds each side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me8xYaHgOF4
Super Set
3 rounds
10/side Bulgarian Split Squats - build load with dual DBs
Pull up strength work:
Option A (for those who do push ups from the knees) complete
5 ring row negatives + 10 DB lateral raises
Option B (for those who can do 5-10 regular push ups) complete
5 pull up negatives + 10 DB pull overs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK4rHfWKEac
Burgener Warm Up
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat
WOD- this should be similar to Fran- go all out!
Test Set #2
15 Power Cleans
15 Thrusters
RX 95/65 SC 75/55 BEG 45/35
POST WOD- The Gymnastics Course- Core Crusherhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B9Ukh5gFMtw/With band for resistance:
Each round you will increase ONLY the V-ups by 5 reps:
*watch V-Up in video on execution - upper body stays in hollow, so it’s more like a “leg lift”
Round 1:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
5 V-Ups
Round 2:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
10 V-Ups
Round 3:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
15 V-Ups
Round 4:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
20 V-Ups
Rest as needed to complete all rounds
*scale numbers appropriately to fitness level.
March Movement: Pull Ups
Strength Work
Option A- trying to get your first strict pull up
ring row negatives x 5 reps with a 5 second negativeDB lateral raises x 10 reps - focus on tempo- slow movement out and back, elbows not locked, no hip swinging, core and lats engaged
Option B- for those who have 3 or more strict pull ups
pull ups negativesx 3-5 reps with a 5 second descendDB pull overs x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK4rHfWKEa
Pull Up Work
Option A -Complete 5 sets: 15 second active hollow hold on bar + 5 challenging ring rows with a 2 second count at the top
-Complete 5 sets: feet on the box under rig for 5 toe spot assisted strict pull ups- focus on getting the box set up where you are on your tippy toes and the bar is just under the chin. Stay in a hollow position, rib cage in, lats engaged- active position the entire movement.
Option B- 5 sets
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 5 strict pull ups
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 4 strict pull ups
continue with one less strict pull ups each round. rest as needed between rounds.
18:00 EMOM
min 1-40 feet seated sled pull- add 2 plates to sleds
min 2- DB hang clean and jerk x 7 each side 50/35 35/20
min 3- 30 second table top hold
min 4- 250/220m row
min 5- 8 DB step ups 50/35 35/20
min 6- 2-3 wall walks- sub handstand walk x 25 feet
Post WOD: core
:30 Hollow Hold
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-ups
3 rounds at warm up pace
200m row or bike
12 goblet curtsy squats (6 each side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xClhGjz7p0A
12 clamshell planks (6 each side)- hold for :03 at the top of each rep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpy5PZTFVYw
One round of the kip cadence- 2 kip swings + 2 tuck ups + 2 TTB
Mobility: Prime the Glutes https://www.instagram.com/p/BmwtGtUnhn1/
Do 1 set x 10 reps of each
1️⃣Normal width bridges
2️⃣Feet wide bridges
3️⃣Feet narrow bridges (🐸 pumps)
4️⃣Seated clamshells
5️⃣Supine clamshells
6️⃣Seated abduction
18:00 EMOM
min 1-40 feet seated sled pull- add 2 plates to sleds
min 2- DB hang clean and jerk x 7 each side 50/35 35/20
min 3- 30 second table top hold
min 4- 250/220m row
min 5- 8 DB step ups 50/35 35/20
min 6- 2-3 wall walks- sub handstand walk x 25 feet
Post WOD: core
:30 Hollow Hold
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-ups