Warm Up
3 rounds
wall sit with band abductions for 30 seconds- no band just move legs in and out while wall sitting
Curtsy step downs x 6/side - no box then do curtsy lunges
gorilla rows x 10/side with dumbbells
90/90 hip switch x 8 each side- slowly moving
child's pose to cobra x 10 reps
child's pose with one arm reach at 45 degrees- drop armpit for lat stretch x 8 each side
Strength Set
3 sets
Pendlay row or DB row single side x 10 reps @ 30X1
Strict box (or bench) dips x 10 reps @ 2020- or push ups if you did dips on Monday
DB bicep curls x 10 each side @ 40X1
12:00 AMRAP
2-4-6-8-10... keep adding 2 reps until time expires
DB step ups
leg raises
single arm DB Clean and Jerk