Warm Up
2 rounds
10 cyclist squats
4 each side perfect stretch
20 seconds table top stretch
10/side shoulder taps
25 jumping jacks
Mobility: ankles + t-spine
A. ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. deep squat with a weight moving to one side to stretch the ankle for 10 seconds each time. Work through 3 sets of 10 seconds each side
C. Thread the needle x 5 each side
D. Single arm reaching x 5 each side
E. Child's pose lift offs x 5 each side
Strength Set
3 sets of
A. tall kneeling Filly press x 8-10/side @ 2111
B. close grip parallette push ups x 8-10 reps @ 3011
C. DB bicep curl x 8/side @ 40x1
“10 Below”
10 RFT
20 DUs or 40 singles
8 burpee over the DB
6 DB snatch
4 overhead lunges
2 goblet squats