workout of the day
10.17.2021 Swim WOD
Meet at 6545 Flying Cloud Drive in Eden Prairie
9:15am we start with our dryland warm up
18:00 AMRAP
Turkish sit ups x 6 each side
goblet squats x 5
devil's press x 4 each side
reverse lunges x 3 each side
20 second bent knee hollow hold
100yd swim
11.26.2020 Happy Thanksgiving
Partner Thanksgiving WOD
10:00 AMRAP
Person A completes as many rounds of 10 feet shuttle runs until Partner B is done
Person B completes one round:
KB swing x 8
push up x 7
goblet squat x 6
v-ups x 5
DB/KB snatch x 4 (2/side)
Partner Thanksgiving WOD
10:00 AMRAP
Person A completes as many rounds of 10 feet shuttle runs until Partner B is done
Person B completes one round:
KB swing x 8
push up x 7
goblet squat x 6
v-ups x 5
DB/KB snatch x 4 (2/side)
3 sets
hollow hold x 20 seconds or move to a bent knee hollow hold
10 windshield wipers (5/side)
20 bicycle crunches (10/side)
"10 Below"
10 RFT
20 DUs or 40 singles
8 burpee over the DB
6 DB snatch
4 overhead lunges
2 goblet squats
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 cyclist squats
4 each side perfect stretch
20 seconds table top stretch
10/side shoulder taps
25 jumping jacks
Mobility: ankles + t-spine
A. ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. deep squat with a weight moving to one side to stretch the ankle for 10 seconds each time. Work through 3 sets of 10 seconds each side
C. Thread the needle x 5 each side
D. Single arm reaching x 5 each side
E. Child's pose lift offs x 5 each side
Strength Set
3 sets of
A. tall kneeling Filly press x 8-10/side @ 2111
B. close grip parallette push ups x 8-10 reps @ 3011
C. DB bicep curl x 8/side @ 40x1
“10 Below”
10 RFT
20 DUs or 40 singles
8 burpee over the DB
6 DB snatch
4 overhead lunges
2 goblet squats
35:00 AMRAP
800m Run
200ft Farmer Carry 35/25
400m Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
200m Run
10 Goblet Squats 35/25
Scaled: 600/300/150, Ring Rows, Air Squats or lighter goblet squats
Rx+: 1000/500/250, 53/35 KB
Goal: 3 Rounds
Warm Up:
Bike/Row 2:00 @ an easy pace
Into …
Banded hip flexor stretch x 30 seconds per side
Psoas marches with mini-band on feet x 45 seconds
Banded Clam Shell Isometric Hold x 30 seconds per side
Banded air squats x 10 reps
Fire Hydrant Isometric Hold x 30 seconds per side
Two sets of:
Side Plank Hold x 30 seconds per side
Air Squats x 15 reps
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds (Place your hands on the floor and point your fingertips towards yourself.
35:00 AMRAP
800m Run
200ft Farmer Carry 35/25
400m Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
200m Run
10 Goblet Squats 35/25
Scaled: 600/300/150, Ring Rows, Air Squats or lighter goblet squats
Rx+: 1000/500/250, 53/35 KB
Goal: 3 Rounds
02.03.19 Swim WOD
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 50 swim + deck out
min 2- 8 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
min 3- 10 second wall kick + swim to mid pool and back + deck out
min 4- 6 renegade rows - row right, row left, push up
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 50 swim + deck out
min 2- 8 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
min 3- 10 second wall kick + swim to mid pool and back + deck out
min 4- 6 renegade rows - row right, row left, push up
Warm UpBike 12/10 cals 5 spiderman lunges + reach Russian baby makers x 10 reps Bear walk x 2 lengths of the gym- hide the ears with the arms and walk in a straddle position on the toes- straight legs and arms if you can. (like handstand walking in a pike) Crab walk 1 length of the gym both forward and backward 10 slow air squats to full depth- ass to the floor
then... Two sets of: Single-Arm DB Rows x 8-10 reps Rest as needed Reverse Snow Angels x 15-20 reps Rest as needed
Mobility: partner shoulder stretch x :20 each person- on person sits on the floor, legs extended and arms extended overhead. Another person slides arms through their partners extended arms and around to their shoulder blades. Hands should rest on shoulders with fingers down and palms in. Squeeze the arms and pull slightly up while pushing into the shoulder. Deep squat progressions x 6 reps
Skill: OHS 5 reps @ 60% 3 reps @ 65% 1 rep @ 70% 6:00 E2M 5 reps OHS at 70-75%
WOD 3 RFT 10 KB (or DB) deadlifts 53/35 each hand 70m(from the garage door to the wall ball wall and back) farmer carry 53/35 10 goblet squats with one KB 70m waiter carry (one length with KB overhead in right arm, one length with KB OH in left arm) 10 push ups 70 DUs or 140 singles