warm up
snatch grip RDL
hang muscle clean
press from behind the head
(shoulder tap R +knee to elbow R + shoulder tap L + knee to elbow L) =1 rep
"Jam" from the Jam Method
For Time
every 2:00, starting at 2:00, complete 4 bar facing burpees
20 burpees
30 OHS
30 power snatch
30 front squats
30 push press
30 hang squat cleans
20 burpees
RX 115/75
IN 95/65
SC 75/55
Core Finisher
3 sets
contralateral single arm single leg plank 20sec/side
(push up + tall plank knee to elbow R + tall plank knee to elbow L) x 6-8 reps
30sec hollow body hold