02.06.2021 Partner WOD
Warm Up
Hot Start
3 rounds
Row 90 seconds @ moderate pace
12 rower pike ups https://youtu.be/6O8kZDgsRmo
12 death march- use two DBs at your sides 6 steps/leg
Snatch warm up- 2 rounds
PVC pass throughs x 8
PVC muscle snatch x 5
PVC snatch press + drop x 5
PVC snatch balance x 5
PVC snatch press in the receiving position x 5
repeat above with an empty barbell
"Poppin' Fresh"
with a partner- divide reps, one work, one rest
100 DUs or 200 singles
40 power snatch 115/75 96/65 75/55
40 bar facing burpees
100 DUs
30 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 bar facing burpees
100 DUs
20 power snatch 155/105 135/95 115/75
20 bar facing burpees