Warm Up
2 rounds
banded clam shell hip thrusts x 8/side
death march x 10 steps/side
banded pull aparts x 10 each direction (horizontal, diagonal, overhead)
Jefferson curls x 8 reps @3,3,1
quadruped reach & rotate x 8/side
banded face pull Y press x 10 reps
Banded Deadlifts
15 x 1 rep @ 60% 1RM + band tension
hold for 2 seconds at the top- squeeze!!
Bar Muscle up Drills https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDZn_FgeZg/
1. racked barbell- jump out of the pool drill
2. box hollow/arch drill
3. box jump out of the pool drill
4. racked barbell with band transition drills
At Home Strict Pull up Drills
1. Inverted rows- two chairs with a PVC or stick across. Perform reps of rowing
2. Towel in doorway- rows and pull ups
3. DB single arm rows- hand on a bench or chair and row elbow to the hip. Slow down, fast up
Barbell warm up for cleans
high hang clean pull
high hang clean high pull
high hang power clean
high hang squat clean
repeat above all at the hang position
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 3 power cleans @75%
min 2- 3 bar muscle cleans/ 4 C2B pull ups/ 5 pull ups
At Home 10:00 EMOM
min 1- 6 DB power cleans- DB heads touch the ground each time
min 2- 5 inverted rows