Warm Up
3 rounds
10 mountain climbers each leg
20 Lateral Band Walks/side
10 banded air squats
10 Tall Kneeling to Standing (5/side)
Pull up work
standing banded hollow I Y x 20 reps
A. toe assisted pull ups 5 sets: 2,1,1,1,1
B. negative (eccentric) pull ups x 5 sets of 1 at 3 second descend
*if you have pull ups, then you do 5 sets of 2,1,1,1,1 strict pull ups or strict chest to pull
and part B is weighted pull ups: 5 sets of 1 adding load each time
2 sets
10 each side walking lunges with two KB/DBs 50/35 35/20
10 each side wall supported deadbugs
10 each side bird dog rows with KB/DB- heavy
"Mac Daddy"
4 rounds for time
deadlift x 10 185/125 135/95 115/75
box jump overs 24/20" x 12
farmer carry x 50m heavy (150 feet)