workout of the day
04.23.2021 Hero WOD Jennifer
"Jennifer" Hero WOD
26:00 AMRAP
10 pull ups
15 KB swings 53/35 (it's suppose to be 72/53 so swing a DB if you want to go RX)
20 box jumps 24/20"
Warm Up
3 sets
8 burpees no jump
20 second tuck L hang from the bar
20 second handstand hold
8 alternating DB Turkish sit ups
Skill work: pull ups
warm up with 20 banded face pulls
A. toe assist pull ups 5 sets 2,2,2,2,1
B. hanging active shrugs x 5 sets of 10 reps
today we are going to alternate between the toe assist pull ups and the shrugs. If you like, you can make the shrugs more difficult by jumping up to chin over the bar and slowly lowering and then doing your shrugs.
"Jennifer" Hero WOD
26:00 AMRAP
10 pull ups
15 KB swings 53/35 (it's suppose to be 72/53 so swing a DB if you want to go RX)
20 box jumps 24/20"
Background: Canadian 1st Class Constable Jennifer Kovach of Guelph, Canada, died March 14, 2013, when her squad car was involved in a motor-vehicle accident while she was responding to a call for service. The 26-year-old fulfilled her dream of becoming a police officer serving her community and the Guelph Police Service for four years before her death.
Kovach is survived by her mother, Gloria; father, Bill; brother, Brian; grandparents, Chester and Elvira Janicki; boyfriend, Kyle Schlosser; and many other friends and family.
“Jennifer,” first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for September 25, 2015 (“150925“), was the third female hero WOD after “White,” and “Jenny.”
"Match Point"
4 rounds for time
10 alternating pistols
12 lateral burpees over the DB
10-20-30-40 single DB hang clean & jerk by round 50/35 35/20
Warm up
3 sets
goblet cyclist squats x 8 reps
goblet squat and press x 8 reps- stay in your squat and press out the weight overhead
PVC platter squats x 10 reps
skill work: pull ups
warm up: 2:00 banded hollow I Y
A. 5 sets of toe assist pull ups 2,2,2,1,1
B. 4 sets of singles eccentric pull ups- lower on a 4 count
Strength: snatch
5 sets of the following complex
snatch grip deadlift
hang snatch
"Match Point"
4 rounds for time
10 alternating pistols
12 lateral burpees over the DB
10-20-30-40 single DB hang clean & jerk by round 50/35 35/20
17:00 AMRAP
20 wall balls 20/14
20 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 box jumps 24/20"
20 single arm DB push press 50/35 35/20
20/15 cals row
Warm Up
2 sets
20 bodyweight hip thrusts
15 seconds/side single leg hip thrust isometric hold
10 banded lateral plank walk/side - use yellow mini band
5/side banded 3 way wall taps- use yellow mini band
Pull up work
A. warm up with 1 set of 2:00 standing hollow pull downs
(quality over quantity)
B. toe assist pull ups 5 sets 2,2,1,1,1
C. hanging active shrugs 4 sets of 30 seconds
(To make more difficult you can either jump up to chin over bar then slowly lower with 30 sec at bottom of hang, doing the shrugs. You can also put small weight between thighs or wear weighted vest)
(rest 20sec between sets)
17:00 AMRAP
20 wall balls 20/14
20 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 box jumps 24/20"
20 single arm DB push press 50/35 35/20
20/15 cals row
Cool Down
1:00 bound angle
1:00 each side single leg forward fold
1:00 saddle pose
"Mac Daddy"
4 rounds for time
deadlift x 10 185/125 135/95 115/75
box jump overs 24/20" x 12
farmer carry x 50m heavy (150 feet)
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 mountain climbers each leg
20 Lateral Band Walks/side
10 banded air squats
10 Tall Kneeling to Standing (5/side)
Pull up work
standing banded hollow I Y x 20 reps
A. toe assisted pull ups 5 sets: 2,1,1,1,1
B. negative (eccentric) pull ups x 5 sets of 1 at 3 second descend
*if you have pull ups, then you do 5 sets of 2,1,1,1,1 strict pull ups or strict chest to pull
and part B is weighted pull ups: 5 sets of 1 adding load each time
2 sets
10 each side walking lunges with two KB/DBs 50/35 35/20
10 each side wall supported deadbugs
10 each side bird dog rows with KB/DB- heavy
"Mac Daddy"
4 rounds for time
deadlift x 10 185/125 135/95 115/75
box jump overs 24/20" x 12
farmer carry x 50m heavy (150 feet)
"Stairway to Fitness"
8:00 AMRAP
S2OH 115/85
alternating pistols
add 2 reps each round until time expires
Warm Up
Run 200m
10 empty barbell thrusters
30 seconds hollow rocks
rest 1:00
Run 200m
10 empty barbell Kang squats
12 air chair swings
Pull up work
A. 1 x 20 standing lat pull downs
B. 5 x 1 toe assist pull ups
C. 2 x 10 active hanging shrugs from pull up bar
A. 3 sets of 2 reps tall snatch- keep these light and focus on speed pulling under the barbell
B. 2 sets of 1 rep high hang snatch @ 60-65%
C. 2 sets of 1 rep hang snatch @ 70-75%
D. 2 sets of 1 rep hang snatch below the knee @ 80-85%
6:00 EMOM
1 rep power snatch @ 70%
"Stairway to Fitness"
8:00 AMRAP
S2OH 115/85
alternating pistols
add 2 reps each round until time expires
4 rounds
2:00 work/1:00 rest
continue where you left off
12 x slam balls
10 x box jumps 24/20"
8 x push ups
Warm Up
Row/run/bike an easy 3:00
T-Spine Stretch on a bench x 30 seconds
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 15 reps
and then …
Deep Squat Progressions x 5-7 reps
Followed by …
Kettlebell Halos x 10 (5 in each direction)
Kettlebell Press x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Press x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Push Press x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Waiter Carry x 20-25 yards (left side)
Kettlebell Push Press x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Waiter Carry x 20-25 yards (right side)
Shoulder Prehab
Two sets of:
5 Y Raises
5 T Raises
5 I Raises
Skill: hollow/arch drill- keep this drill with a box on the two outside bars of the rig that most use. Split class up into two groups. One working the kipping and one working the strict. Demo both movements and let the class practice.
REPS: accumulate 10 sequences
•1 arch to hollow lat pull down
•1 arch to hollow pull down into pull-up
•Missing the lat pull down
•Ending in arch at top of pull up
—this makes sequencing next rep very difficult because you need to go in sequential order of arch-hollow-back into arch etc.
OR if still developing the strict pull up - work on this drill on the inside bars of the rig
This forces eccentric work at crucial muscle building points & allows you to start w “active” muscles by pressing down slightly on bar (watch start of video).
▪️Build strength in strict pull-up by building lat muscles.
▪️This drill is for you!
•Add more resistance by adding another thin band etc.
▪️REPS: accumulate 20-30 “pull-ups”
4 rounds
2:00 work/1:00 rest
continue where you left off
12 x slam balls
10 x box jumps 24/20"
8 x push ups
Mobility of the Week 12:00 Total
child's pose 1:00
downward dog 1:00
extended arm lizard 2:00 right side
downward dog 1:00
extended arm lizard 2:00 left side
standing straddle 3:00
forward fold 2:00