
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 steps death march
50m DB cross body carry- switch positions at 25m
10 steps walking lunges- no weight
3 wall walks

Strength: hip thrusts, banded hamstring curls, and curtsy lunges
3 sets
in between sets you can work on warming up for rings or rig work
A1. hip thrusts x 6 reps around 70% your deadlift 1RM
A2. banded hamstring curls x 20 - use an orange or black band around the ankles tied to rig
A3. KB or DB curtsy lunges x 6/side @31X1

20:00 EMOM
min 1- deadlifts x 5 reps @65-70%
min 2- muscle ups or C2B pull ups x 3-5 reps
min 3- slam balls x 20 reps
min 4- rest


06.16.2021 Test 4 and 5

