Warm Up
3 sets
30 second wall sit with band abductions
6 curtsy step downs/leg
10 alternating KB gorilla rows @slower descend
Strength: body composition
3 sets
A1. half kneeling bottom up kettlebell press x 8/side @2X10
A2. alternating box step ups with weight x 8/side
Box Squats- front squat
@21X1, 5,5,5,5 (add load with each set and finish at 90% perceived effort, not your 90% all time max)
Rest 1-2:00 after each set
"This Will Be Your Year"
10 rounds for time
2 burpee box jumps 24/20"
4 pull ups or 2 bar muscle ups
6 front squats 115/85 95/65 75/55
100m run
Rest 30 seconds after set 2,4,6,8
record total time