
Warm Up
2 sets
2 each side TGU
15 banded pull aparts
7 each side wall supported dead bugs
4 each side perfect stretch

A. front rack banded stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
C. prone swimmers x 10 reps

3 sets of 3 reps of each exercise. Increase load as needed.

▫️Muscle Clean into Squat: Start flat foot with shoulders over the bar and feet in your normal clean landing position. The goal is to use the bar to pull yourself down into the squat, by pulling on the bar and lowering the hips simultaneously. Arms and legs should bend at the same time. Feet should stay flat and connected to the ground for this whole drill.

▫️Tall Clean: Start on the ball of the foot with shoulders over the bar and straight legs. Use the weight of the bar to pull yourself down into a squat, with the goal of racking the bar when the feet hit the floor. The feet should move on this drill but there is no dip to generate power.

▫️Clean from Power Position: This drill begins with a dip to generate power, and is great for helping you feel your legs if you tend to use the hips too much. The goal is to keep the shoulders over the bar through the dip and leg extension, then rack the bar when the feet hit the floor.

6 sets of clean pull + hang clean + clean
set 1-2 @60%
set 3-4 @65%
set 5-6 @ 70%

Push Down Drill for gymnastics- find a strong hollow/push down for pull ups, ttb, knees to elbows, bmu

"Ice Cream Sundae"
6 rounds for time
3 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
2 deadlifts 155/105 135/95 115/75
100m run
1 round of Cindy

*Cindy= 5 pull ups + 10 push ups + 15 air squats



