workout of the day
thrusters 115/80 95/65 75/55
chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
Rest 2:00
thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
pull ups or ring rows
Barbell Warm Up 1-2 rounds
3 reps each
1. clean grip RDL
2. hang muscle cleans
3. front squats
4. push jerks
5. power clean and jerk
A. 3 sets of 1 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 jerk @ 70%
B. 6 sets of 1 clean + jerk @75-80%
C. 3 sets of 2 clean pulls @ 90-100%
thrusters 115/80 95/65 75/55
chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
Rest 2:00
thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
pull ups or ring rows
15:00 EMOM
5 wall balls 30/20 20/14
3 bar facing burpee
1 squat clean -increase weight every 3 rounds as able- start lighter and build
2 sets with an empty barbell
5 clean grip RDLs
5 tall muscle cleans
5 front squats
5 strict press
A. 3 sets of 3 hang clean @ 50%
B. 3 sets of 1 power clean + hang clean + clean @ 60%
C. 3 sets of 1 power clean + clean @70%
D. 3 sets of 2 clean pulls @90+%
15:00 EMOM
5 wall balls 30/20 20/14
3 bar facing burpee
1 squat clean -increase weight every 3 rounds as able- start lighter and build
"Pirate Flag"
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 10 cals row + 5-8 wall balls 30/20 20/14
min 2- 100 feet sandbag bearhug carry 100/70/50
min 3- 4 power cleans @70-75% max power clean
Warm Up
Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets):
500/400 Meter Row
Barbell Complex
Barbell Complex (empty barbell)
3 Clean Grip Romanian Deadlifts
3 Clean Pulls
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Hang Squat Cleans
A. 4 x 2 reps hang clean
1- 65%
2- 70%
3-4 @ 75%
B. 4 x 1 rep clean
1-2 @ 80%
3-4 @ 85%
C. 3 x 2 reps clean pull @ 90-95+%
"Pirate Flag"
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 10 cals row + 5-8 wall balls 30/20 20/14
min 2- 100 feet sandbag bearhug carry 100/70/50
min 3- 4 power cleans @70-75% max power clean
"Ice Cream Sundae"
6 rounds for time
3 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
2 deadlifts 155/105 135/95 115/75
100m run
1 round of Cindy
*Cindy= 5 pull ups + 10 push ups + 15 air squats
Warm Up
2 sets
2 each side TGU
15 banded pull aparts
7 each side wall supported dead bugs
4 each side perfect stretch
A. front rack banded stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
C. prone swimmers x 10 reps
3 sets of 3 reps of each exercise. Increase load as needed.
▫️Muscle Clean into Squat: Start flat foot with shoulders over the bar and feet in your normal clean landing position. The goal is to use the bar to pull yourself down into the squat, by pulling on the bar and lowering the hips simultaneously. Arms and legs should bend at the same time. Feet should stay flat and connected to the ground for this whole drill.
▫️Tall Clean: Start on the ball of the foot with shoulders over the bar and straight legs. Use the weight of the bar to pull yourself down into a squat, with the goal of racking the bar when the feet hit the floor. The feet should move on this drill but there is no dip to generate power.
▫️Clean from Power Position: This drill begins with a dip to generate power, and is great for helping you feel your legs if you tend to use the hips too much. The goal is to keep the shoulders over the bar through the dip and leg extension, then rack the bar when the feet hit the floor.
6 sets of clean pull + hang clean + clean
set 1-2 @60%
set 3-4 @65%
set 5-6 @ 70%
Push Down Drill for gymnastics- find a strong hollow/push down for pull ups, ttb, knees to elbows, bmu
"Ice Cream Sundae"
6 rounds for time
3 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
2 deadlifts 155/105 135/95 115/75
100m run
1 round of Cindy
*Cindy= 5 pull ups + 10 push ups + 15 air squats
"Row Ahead"
16:00 EMOM
min 1- row 15/12 cals
min 2- 5-8 strict pull ups
min 3- 1 barbell complex*
*Barbell complex= 8 deadlifts + 6 hang cleans + 4 jerks
RX 115/75
INT 95/65
SC 75/55
Warm Up
Run 300m
10/side reverse lunges
10 each side shoulder taps
10/side lateral box step ups
10 glute bridges
20 band pull aparts
Run 300m
Strict September
25 banded face pulls
12 each side banded lat pull downs
10 scap pull ups
2 sets of 5 strict pull ups
complete these however you can
Work to a heavy complex in 12:00
1 power clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk
"Row Ahead"
16:00 EMOM
min 1- row 15/12 cals
min 2- 8-10 TTB or hanging knee raises
min 3- 1 barbell complex*
*Barbell complex= 8 deadlifts + 6 hang cleans + 4 jerks
RX 115/75
INT 95/65
SC 75/55
"Professor X"
5 rounds for time
50m sled push- keep it light or empty- to pylon and back
8 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
10 Xiaopeng circles
10 IYT + other letters
20 wall supported deadbugs
10 squat pulses
10 hip airplanes
1:00 cardio
2 sets
landmine RDL x 8 on the right
10 hang muscle cleans
landmine RDL x 8 on the left
5 tall cleans
A. 6 sets of
1 hang clean + 1 tempo front squat @ 3011
start at 60% and build load with good squat form
B. clean pull + 5 second eccentric lowering
3 sets of 2 reps @ 85% 1RM clean
Primer for HSPU
practice kicking up to the wall
2 sets
1. handstand shrugs x 10 reps
2. handstand marches x 5/side
"Professor X"
5 rounds for time
50m sled push- keep it light or empty- to pylon and back
8 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
"Sweaty Betty"
For time
40 sit ups
30 cal row
15 push ups
15 slam balls
30 sit ups
20 cal row
15 push ups
15 slam balls
20 sit ups
10 cal row
15 push ups
15 slam balls
Warm Up
2 sets
15/12 cals row or ski
10 Cossack squats
5 each side DB windmills
5 each side single arm DB reverse lunges
100m run
1 clean + 1 hang clean
*these should be squat*
Every 1:30 for 9:00 (6 sets)
stay around 60-65% to work on form today
dial in technique and positions
"Sweaty Betty"
For time
40 sit ups
30 cal row
15 push ups
15 slam balls
30 sit ups
20 cal row
15 push ups
15 slam balls
20 sit ups
10 cal row
15 push ups
15 slam balls