11.19.2022 Partner WOD

Warm Up
3 rounds
10 KB swings- light
10 KB goblet squats
10/leg bodyweight rear foot elevated split squat
25 seconds tall plank shoulder taps

"Three Stages"

with a partner
on the 0:00
8 power snatch, 4 rope climbs 155/105 115/85 95/65
6 power snatch, 3 rope climbs
4 power snatch, 2 rope climbs
*each person completes total number of snatches listed, rope climbs are split*

on the 15:00
3 rounds
32/28 cals row
10 DB shoulder to overhead each person 50/35 35/20
*divide cals, each person completes the 10 reps S2OH

on the 30:00
3 rounds
9 bar muscle ups
15 DB box step overs 50/35 35/20
21 box jump overs 24/20"
*divide reps however you choose*




11.18.2022 Member of the Month- Meredith