workout of the day
10.09.2023. Partner WOD
"Row My Boat!"
with a partner switching by round
20 rounds for max calories
50 seconds work, 10 seconds transition
A. snatch sots press
3 sets of 3 reps- keep light
B. drop snatch
3 sets of 3 reps- keep light for speed
C. power snatch x 1.1 (perform one rep, rest 10 seconds and then perform a second rep)
set 1-2 @60%
set 3-4 @ 65%
set 5-6 @ 70%
"Row My Boat!"
with a partner switching by round
20 rounds for max calories
50 seconds work, 10 seconds transition
6 rounds
1:00 row
1:00 burpee
1:00 DUs
1:00 rest
max reps on each minute
*you need to record totals separately
front squat
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 80%
1 set of max reps @ 60%
6 rounds
1:00 row cals
1:00 burpee
1:00 DUs
1:00 rest
max reps on each minute
*you need to record totals separately
05.13.2023 Team of 3
AMRAP 25:00
"Shirts and Skins"
Team of 3- Waterfall style
15/12 cals row
5 squat snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
1 rope climb or 2 up/downs
2 sets
a. DB Cuban Press x 5/side
b. banded face pulls x 20
c. Y-T-W x 6 reps prone- no weight
then accumulate 20 reps empty bar snatch drop https://youtu.be/DCJLYWGEdzo
Snatch Warm up
3 reps empty barbell or PVC
1. slow OHS
2. sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
AMRAP 25:00
"Shirts and Skins"
Team of 3- Waterfall style
15/12 cals row
5 squat snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
1 rope climb or 2 up/downs
Every 3:00 for 3 sets
Row 20/16 cals
10 DB box step overs 24/20"
max DB snatch in remaining time
Rest 1:00
3 sets
Strict press x 6 reps
rest 60 seconds
Strict press x 5 reps
rest 2-3 minutes
*try to add load each round
*start at 55-65% your max on round one. Keep that load for both the 6 and the 5 reps.
Every 3:00 for 3 sets
Row 20/16 cals
10 DB box step ups 24/20"
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
Rest 1:00
3 sets
Strict press x 6 reps
rest 60 seconds
Strict press x 5 reps
rest 2-3 minutes
*try to add load each round
*start at 55-65% your max on round one. Keep that load for both the 6 and the 5 reps.
12:00 AMRAP
bike 7 cals
renegade rows x 7
row 7 cals
DB push press x 7
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 jumping rope or jumping jacks
banded walks x 10 rep each direction
1:00 bike or row
banded air squats x 20 reps
100 feet farmer carry
A. *single leg support squat hold x 7 each leg @ 3211
B. 90/90 hip switches x 10 each leg
C. perfect stretch x 4 each side
*hold onto the rig and slowly lower yourself, focusing on knee traction. Only lower as far as your hips allow without rounding your lower back
3 sets- super set
A. barbell hip bridges x 8 reps @ 70-75% DL max
B. hack squats x 6 each side @2211 https://youtu.be/MdYqhUKWLIE
12:00 AMRAP
bike 7 cals
renegade rows x 7
row 7 cals
DB push press x 7
"Strong Start"
12:00 AMRAP
3 bar muscle ups or 3 C2B pull ups or 3 pull ups
10 power clean & jerk 115/75 95/65 75/55
15/12 cals row
Warm Up
3 sets
10 KB swings- light
10 each leg rear foot elevated split squats
10 goblet squats
25 second tall plank hold
4 each side perfect stretch
4 each side slow Cossack squats
30 seconds each side banded ankle stretch
30 seconds deep squat plate hold
Bench press warm up
10 MB overhead passes to wall
10 MB chest passes to wall
5 yoga push ups
Max Back Squat
warm up with 3 reps fast, unbroken @ 50-60-70%then 1 rep @ 80-90-100-102?-105?
If not back squatting then find a max bench press- use the same warm up reps as BS
"Strong Start"
12:00 AMRAP
3 bar muscle ups or 3 C2B pull ups or 3 pull ups
10 power clean & jerk 115/75 95/65 75/55
15/12 cals row
11.19.2022 Partner WOD
"Three Stages"
on the 0:00
8 power snatch, 4 rope climbs 155/105 115/85 95/65
6 power snatch, 3 rope climbs
4 power snatch, 2 rope climbs
*each person completes total number of snatches listed, rope climbs are split*
on the 15:00
3 rounds
32/28 cals row
10 DB shoulder to overhead each person 50/35 35/20
*divide cals, each person completes the 10 reps S2OH
on the 30:00
3 rounds
9 bar muscle ups
15 DB box step overs 50/35 35/20
21 box jump overs 24/20"
*divide reps however you choose*
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 KB swings- light
10 KB goblet squats
10/leg bodyweight rear foot elevated split squat
25 seconds tall plank shoulder taps
"Three Stages"
with a partner
on the 0:00
8 power snatch, 4 rope climbs 155/105 115/85 95/65
6 power snatch, 3 rope climbs
4 power snatch, 2 rope climbs
*each person completes total number of snatches listed, rope climbs are split*
on the 15:00
3 rounds
32/28 cals row
10 DB shoulder to overhead each person 50/35 35/20
*divide cals, each person completes the 10 reps S2OH
on the 30:00
3 rounds
9 bar muscle ups
15 DB box step overs 50/35 35/20
21 box jump overs 24/20"
*divide reps however you choose*