09.29.2022 Partner WOD
Warm Up
Row 2:00
banded lateral walks x 20 steps each direction
feet together squats x 5 reps
Row 1:00
banded monster walks x 20 steps each direction
Cossack squats x 5 reps each side
Pistol progressions to practice https://www.instagram.com/p/BrnZ8X6ghIu/
1. Narrow Squat
2. Toenail Spot
3. Single Leg Ankle Spot
4. Narrow Squat to Single Leg Stand
5. Pistols
OR try these reverse lunge without the back foot touching the ground
"Strip Sack"
20 rounds with a partner
you go, I go by round
100m run
4 burpees
6 pistols or pistol progressions
Front squat
4 sets of 2 reps @80%