workout of the day
09.29.2022 Partner WOD
"Strip Sack"
20 rounds with a partner
you go, I go by round
100m run
4 burpees
6 pistols or pistol progressions
Warm Up
Row 2:00
banded lateral walks x 20 steps each direction
feet together squats x 5 reps
Row 1:00
banded monster walks x 20 steps each direction
Cossack squats x 5 reps each side
Pistol progressions to practice https://www.instagram.com/p/BrnZ8X6ghIu/
1. Narrow Squat
2. Toenail Spot
3. Single Leg Ankle Spot
4. Narrow Squat to Single Leg Stand
5. Pistols
OR try these reverse lunge without the back foot touching the ground
"Strip Sack"
20 rounds with a partner
you go, I go by round
100m run
4 burpees
6 pistols or pistol progressions
Front squat
4 sets of 2 reps @80%
"Black Coffee"
5 rounds
2:00work / 1:00 rest
pick up where you left off
5 cleans with whatever weight you have- one DB or two, barbell, bag, backpack
5 object facing burpee
5 thrusters with whatever weight you have
40 feet bear crawl
*if you have a barbell start round one heavy and then take off weight each round
Warm Up
3 rounds
1:00 feet together hops- like you are jumping rope10 each side drop lunge to knee lift https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h5FQRFpSI/
6 each side quad crawl shoulder taps https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h5FQRFpSI/
10 sow motion power cleans with PVC
Core Burner
4 rounds
L-sit lifts on a box or bench x 10 reps
floor wipers x 5 each side
side star plank hold x 15 seconds each side
straight body crunches x 15 reps
"Black Coffee"
5 rounds
2:00work / 1:00 rest
pick up where you left off
5 cleans with whatever weight you have- one DB or two, barbell, bag, backpack
5 object facing burpee (or tire flips)
5 thrusters with whatever weight you have
40 feet bear crawl
*if you have a barbell start round one heavy and then take off weight each round
03.28.2020 Hateful 8
8 Rounds for time
8 hand release push ups
8 weighted sit ups
8 chair pull ups
8 air squats
8 burpees
8 sumo deadlifts
8 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
2 rounds
10 Quadruped Hip Extensions/leg (hold 1sec at top of each)
30sec Forearm Plank – Protract Shoulders as far as possible
10 Side Plank Rotations/side
10 Jefferson Curls (low load slow and controlled) focus on simply execution of correct postures – with a PVC, bodyweight, or a light kb or weight
8 Rounds for time
8 hand release push ups
8 weighted sit ups
8 chair pull ups
8 air squats
8 burpees
8 sumo deadlifts
8 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
10:00 AMRAP
10 push press 115/80 95/65
10 burpees
10 DB step ups 35/20
10 barbell bent over rows 115/80 95/65
Warm Up
Run 400m
Then 2 Rounds
:30 on/:10 Off
-Hollow Rocks
-Plate Ground to Overhead
-Overhead Lunges
Mobility: squat
1️⃣Quadruped Rockback – get on all fours with a wide stance, sink back into deep hip flexion, stretching your groin and glute muscles.
2️⃣Ankle Prying – get down into a squat, lean to one side and push the knee forward while keeping the heel down, stretching the lower calf region.
3️⃣Foam Roller T-Spine – get down on the ground in a supine position with a foam roller placed underneath the upper back and your hands behind your head. Use your thoracic extensors to arch the upper back over the foam roller.
4️⃣Ankle Rocking – from a kneeling position in a deep lunge, push the knee forward while keeping the heel down, striving to feel the stretch in the lower calf area.
5️⃣Squat Adductor – get down into the bottom of a squat and use your elbows to push your knees outward, stretching the inner thigh muscles.
Do 3 rounds of 6 reps of each of these then proceed to your squat workout.
Skill: stamina squats- week 7
Every 2:30 for 6 sets (15:00)
3 front squats + 6 back squats @70-85% 1RM front squat
10:00 AMRAP
10 push press 115/80 95/65
10 burpees
10 DB step ups 35/20
10 barbell bent over rows 115/80 95/65
every 3:00 for 7 sets
400m Run
5 Burpees
Warm up
2 rounds
Bike 12/10 cals
10 spiderman lunges (5/side)
10 Cossack squats (5/side)
5 hollow/arch swings
5 air chair swings
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQoUvAl1VT/
10/side tall plank groiners
10/side quadruped alternating straight leg groiners
10/side tall plank alternating pigeons
10/side straight leg abduction reaches
10/side alternating straight leg lowers
10/side supine 90/90 hip switches
Skill: stamina squats week 5
Every 90 seconds for 6 sets
1 front squat + 3 back squats @ 70-85% front squat 1RM
Gymnastics Practice: TTB drill https://www.instagram.com/p/BwH-gWHBTy_/
every 3:00 for 7 sets
400m Run
5 Burpees
04.20.19 Partner "Jenkins"
'Jenkins' with a partner
split work, run together- one work, one rest on the reps
AMRAP 40:00
50 burpees
400m run
50 KB swings 24/16kg
400m run
50 pull ups
400m run
50 push ups
400m run
'Jenkins' with a partner
split work, run together- one work, one rest on the reps
AMRAP 40:00
50 burpees
400m run
50 KB swings 24/16kg
400m run
50 pull ups
400m run
50 push ups
400m run
This British Hero WOD was designed by CrossFit NW1 (Conwy, Wales) in memory of member and athlete Lt. Garreth Jenkins of Colwyn Bay, Conwy, who collapsed at the Commando Training Centre, Lympstone, Devon, while on a 30-mile (48km) march on Thursday, May 28, 2015.
Lt Jenkins, who was in his mid-20s, died during the so-called "30-miler" march, the last major test undertaken as part of the 32-week Commando course. Trainees must complete it carrying at least 32lbs (15kg) of equipment in a maximum time of eight hours.
3-4 Sets - Move slowly and with intention through all of the following movements. 10 Quadruped Thoracic Rotation/side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dE4KmmfKiI rest 15sec 30sec Reverse Plank rest 15sec 15m Quadruped Crawl (move very slow and deliberately - get the shoulders warmed up) rest 15sec one round of the kip cadence complex = 2 kip swings + 2 tuck ups + 2 ttb
Primer: Banded shoulder flow Banded shoulder warm up 5 reps each movement https://www.instagram.com/p/BiM-3q9BvNr/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Skill: Strict Press week 4 Every 2:00 for 5 sets 5 reps @ 70% 4 reps @ 75% 3 reps @ 80% 2 reps @ 85% 1 rep @ 90%
WOD 7 RFT 7 burpees 7 box jumps 24/20" 7 TTB