Block 2- isometric back squats
5 sets of 3 reps @ 75% with a 3-4 second pause at the bottom
TTB drills:
A. work on hollow body hold and arch hold for 3 sets of 10 seconds each
B. Everyone show active hang on the rig
C. with a partner- one hangs actively and then swings into hollow and arch while the other places a hand in front by the belly and then in back. The swinging person should pull back on the rig and touch the back to the hand and then come through so that the belly touches the other hand.
D. take a band and practice standing hollow lat pull downs. Don't garb the band, just place the hands on the band. Do a set of 30 reps and then do a set of 8 kip swings.
E. sit on the floor and with legs and feet together, perform a set of 10 leg lifts
(38) How To Do TOES TO BAR (TTB) | How to STRING BIGGER SETS! - YouTube
3 rounds each for time
25 DUs
25 KB swings 53/35
50 feet single KB or DB overhead walking lunges (25 feet right and 25 feet left arm up)
rest 90 seconds