workout of the day
"Must Have"
14:00 AMRAP
15/12 cal row
5 power clean & jerks 185/125
15 pull ups
30 DUs
A. 3 sets of ring rows x 10 reps @ 20X0
3 sets
B. DB pull overs x 12-15 reps https://youtu.be/MnIT9RwD83U
C. DB curls x 12-15 reps
Clean Primer
5:00 EMOM
1 rep power clean & jerk
build load from 65%
"Must Have"
14:00 AMRAP
15/12 cal row
5 power clean & jerks 185/125
15 pull ups
30 DUs
"Bear on the Run"
10:00 AMRAP
100m run
one bear complex 135/95 115/75 95/65
*Bear Complex
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
then partner up for reverse sled drags
each pair will need to complete 300m reverse sled drag- walk backwards
switch at the 50m(fence)
load is your choice- be able to complete 50m unbroken!
3 sets
A. DB floor press x 10-12 reps @20X1
B. wide grip strict pull ups x 6-10 reps
C. DB curls- start with hammer curl up then reverse curl down x 8 reps @2020
"Bear on the Run"
10:00 AMRAP
100m run
one bear complex 135/95 115/75 95/65
*Bear Complex
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
then partner up for reverse sled drags
each pair will need to complete 300m reverse sled drag- walk backwards
switch at the 50m(fence)
load is your choice- be able to complete 50m unbroken!
"Back to Back"
15:00 EMOM
min 1- shoulder to overhead x 8 reps 135/95 115/75 95/65
min 2- burpee box get overs x 8 reps 48"/40"
min 3- KB swings x max reps* for 45 seconds 53/35
*record reps*
Warm up
2 sets
1:00 row
20 banded lat pull downs
10 DB strict press
10 DB windmills
Lats to Fly
20 reps prone PVC lift offs
3 sets
A. 10 x hollow rower sliders- begin in hollow body, feet on the seat of the rower, and open and close shoulders to gain movement. Do NOT bend or pike at hip or sage in the middle. Fingers spread and hands turned about 5-10 degrees
B. 10 x hanging active shrugs for pull up strength- full grip on the pull up bar, hands just outside the shoulders. Active means create space between our ears and our shoulders by pulling the bar down. Ribs are tucked.
3 sets of 8 reps seated Z-press
3 sets of 8 reps each side DB curls
"Back to Back"
15:00 EMOM
min 1- shoulder to overhead x 8 reps 135/95 115/75 95/65
min 2- burpee box get overs x 8 reps 48"/40"
min 3- KB swings x max reps* for 45 seconds 53/35
*record reps*
For Time
8 Sets
10 Curls RT/LT arm
10 Shoulder Press RT/LT Arm
10 Bent Row RT/LT Arm
Warm Up
2 sets
8 Cossack squats
8 sumo inchworms
10 goblet good mornings- light
30 second handstand hold
10 sets of 3-position arch
Week *- deload
Deadlifts—40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Super Set - 3 sets
A. T-bar row using a green band on the landmine barbell x 10 reps https://youtu.be/-4DgImN_G7o
B. Wide grip pull ups x 5- you can band these as well and still practice the wide grip
Super Set- 3 sets
A. seated sled pull x 50 feet
B. donkey kicks to a box x 30 seconds- sub a stack of plates instead of box
At Home Strength
3 sets
A. DB floor press @21X0, 6-8 reps
B. DB push ups x 8-12 reps
3 sets
C. plank to downdog x 8-10 reps
D. seated DB Arnold press @ 20X1, 10-12 reps https://youtu.be/UgvvMUtGUG8
For Time
8 Sets
10 Curls RT/LT arm
10 Shoulder Press RT/LT Arm
10 Bent Row RT/LT Arm
12.05.2021 Swim WOD
18:00 AMRAP
30 Alternating DB snatch
50 yard swim
20 single DB thrusters
100 yard swim
10 each side DB curls
150 yard swim
Meet at 9:15am at 6545 Flying Cloud DR, Eden Prairie
Swim Chipper
18:00 AMRAP
30 Alternating DB snatch
50 yard swim
20 single DB thrusters
100 yard swim
10 each side DB curls
150 yard swim
OHS 95/65 75/55 45/35
box jump overs 24/20"
TTB or hanging knee raises or tuck ups
Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:
12 band resisted deadbugs (6/side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G97izxEjMds&feature=youtu.be
10 tempo single side racked DB front squats (5/side with 4 second descend)
8 pausing frog bridges- laying on the ground, put feet together in butterfly position with DB across the hips. Ankles close to the butt. Raise the hips with a 2 second pause at the top of the bridge
Couch stretch x 30 seconds each side
ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side- push knee over toes with foot flat on floor
Skill: back squat Day 11
5 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep @ 92.5%
between sets of back squats perform single leg RDLs x 5 reps each side
use a moderate KB weight
5 sets of
5 reps DB curls
5 air chair swings or 5 hollow positions with a box https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TK2A9AwUS/
OHS mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6V8iamHNZ8/
A. Squat Y's x 5 reps each side
B. Lat eccentrics x 10 reps slow tempo
TTB drills:
Key Points:
1. Pull into hollow as hips hinge into pike
2. Pull down on bar through entire skill to create tension
3. Palms press down on rig, lats fully engaged
4. Neutral head
5. Drive heels down and back fast to repeat next rep
OHS 95/65 75/55 45/35
box jump overs 24/20"
TTB or hanging knee raises or tuck ups
January Monthly Challenge
Day 8- 16 walking lunges each side