workout of the day
"Must Have"
14:00 AMRAP
15/12 cal row
5 power clean & jerks 185/125
15 pull ups
30 DUs
A. 3 sets of ring rows x 10 reps @ 20X0
3 sets
B. DB pull overs x 12-15 reps https://youtu.be/MnIT9RwD83U
C. DB curls x 12-15 reps
Clean Primer
5:00 EMOM
1 rep power clean & jerk
build load from 65%
"Must Have"
14:00 AMRAP
15/12 cal row
5 power clean & jerks 185/125
15 pull ups
30 DUs
"Can this be real?"
For Time
800m run
30 deadlifts 185/135
500/425m row
3:00 bear hug sandbag hold
500/425m row
30 deadlifts 185/135
800m run
A. landmine hack squats x 8 per side
B. DB pull overs x 15
C. landmine single leg RDLs x 8 per side
D. DB single arm high pulls x 12 per side
E. seated front raise + bus driver x 12
"Can this be real?"
For Time
800m run
30 deadlifts 185/135
500/425m row
3:00 bear hug sandbag hold
500/425m row
30 deadlifts 185/135
800m run
not timed- if you have time remaining
3 sets
50m overhead carry- 25 each side
12 DB pull overs- on a bench https://youtu.be/owr5y-s6-Qk
12 dual DB upright rows
12 dual DB bicep curls
rest as needed
Warm Up
2 rounds
50 single unders
20 band pull aparts
10 single arm Cuban press each side- use your plates for mobility for this
Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/CHn3VoLHd-2/
small plates
10 reps of each in a bent over position
A. external rotate + overhead
B. thumbs up letter I
C. palms down letter I
Primer https://www.instagram.com/p/CUGEjPklNue/
Try this first with barefoot and then with lifting shoes
5 reps of each
snatch grip RDL
muscle snatch
power snatch above the knee
snatch press in bottom of the squat
snatch positional strength
A. 4 x 2 reps pause snatch @ 55-65%
pause for 2 sec at 1" off the floor, at the knee and then finish with a snatch pull
B. 4 x 1 rep squat snatch @70-80%
C. 4 x 3 reps snatch grip deadlift @ 90-95%
back squats
warm up
4 reps @ 60%
4 reps @ 70%
2 sets of 2 reps @ 75%
not timed- if you have time remaining
3 sets
50m overhead carry- 25 each side
12 DB pull overs- on a bench https://youtu.be/owr5y-s6-Qk
12 dual DB upright rows
12 dual DB bicep curls
rest as needed
"Kettle Ball?"
MB cleans 20/14
KB swings 53/35 or something close to that weight
Warm Up
3 sets
20 banded hip thrusts
10/direction lateral banded walks
10 banded squats
5 Kang squat
5 sumo inchworms
Back squat with 5 second eccentric
4 sets of 4 reps @ 60%
Super set- 4 rounds
1. DB pull overs x 5 reps https://youtu.be/owr5y-s6-Qk
2. reverse grip barbell bent over rows x 5 reps
add load to each of these with good form
"Kettle Ball?"
MB cleans 20/14
KB swings 53/35 or something close to that weight
03.10.2020 Test Set #2
WOD- this should be similar to Fran- go all out!
Test Set #2
15 Power Cleans
15 Thrusters
RX 95/65 SC 75/55 BEG 45/35
Warm Up
15 banded air squats
10/side shoulder taps
25 feet perfect stretch walk
15 jumping jacks
10 dual KB sumo deadlifts
5/side alternating KB strict press- one KB stays racked, while the other is pressed overhead
100 feet KB carry- one in the rack position, one straight overhead (switch sides at 50 feet)
shoulders: 5 each side- light weight https://www.instagram.com/p/B58iPFdBw9t/
front rack: box stretch- 5 deep breaths + lat eccentrics x 10 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6V8iamHNZ8/
ankles: banded distraction x 30 seconds each side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me8xYaHgOF4
Super Set
3 rounds
10/side Bulgarian Split Squats - build load with dual DBs
Pull up strength work:
Option A (for those who do push ups from the knees) complete
5 ring row negatives + 10 DB lateral raises
Option B (for those who can do 5-10 regular push ups) complete
5 pull up negatives + 10 DB pull overs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK4rHfWKEac
Burgener Warm Up
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat
WOD- this should be similar to Fran- go all out!
Test Set #2
15 Power Cleans
15 Thrusters
RX 95/65 SC 75/55 BEG 45/35
POST WOD- The Gymnastics Course- Core Crusherhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B9Ukh5gFMtw/With band for resistance:
Each round you will increase ONLY the V-ups by 5 reps:
*watch V-Up in video on execution - upper body stays in hollow, so it’s more like a “leg lift”
Round 1:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
5 V-Ups
Round 2:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
10 V-Ups
Round 3:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
15 V-Ups
Round 4:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
20 V-Ups
Rest as needed to complete all rounds
*scale numbers appropriately to fitness level.
March Movement: Pull Ups
Strength Work
Option A- trying to get your first strict pull up
ring row negatives x 5 reps with a 5 second negativeDB lateral raises x 10 reps - focus on tempo- slow movement out and back, elbows not locked, no hip swinging, core and lats engaged
Option B- for those who have 3 or more strict pull ups
pull ups negativesx 3-5 reps with a 5 second descendDB pull overs x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK4rHfWKEa
Pull Up Work
Option A -Complete 5 sets: 15 second active hollow hold on bar + 5 challenging ring rows with a 2 second count at the top
-Complete 5 sets: feet on the box under rig for 5 toe spot assisted strict pull ups- focus on getting the box set up where you are on your tippy toes and the bar is just under the chin. Stay in a hollow position, rib cage in, lats engaged- active position the entire movement.
Option B- 5 sets
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 5 strict pull ups
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 4 strict pull ups
continue with one less strict pull ups each round. rest as needed between rounds.