workout of the day
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
Warm Up
Cardio 3:00
3 sets
10 each side single leg deadlifts
20-30 second hollow hold
60 seconds suitcase carry- heavy (30 seconds each side)
Accessory Set
3 rounds
A. DB rows x 8/side
B. barbell bicep curls x 15
C. banded tricep extensions x 15
"Oh My Core"
For Time
2 rounds
50 abmat sit ups
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
rest 3:00
"Bucky Badger"
7 rounds for time
7 push press 95/65 75/55 55/45
7 burpees over the bar
35 double unders for 70 singles
Warm Up
3 sets
Run 200m
with a med ball
10 each side rotational throws to wall
10 chest passes to wall
A. pause bench press
3 sets of 3 reps @80%
pause one second at the chest for every rep
B. 3 sets of DB rows x 10 each side- build load
C. 4 sets of 15 second DB lateral raises
15 seconds Hercules hold- arms straight out holding DBs with the thumbs up
rest as needed between sets- use really light weight!!
"Bucky Badger"
7 rounds for time
7 push press 95/65 75/55 55/45
7 burpees over the bar
35 double unders for 70 singles
01.16.2021 Partner WOD
30:00 AMRAP
10 cal row
10 DB rows L+R =2 50/35 35/20
10 Devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 abmat sit ups
add 10 reps each round (round 2= 20 reps, round 3 + 30 reps)
partners divide up reps as they choose
one work, one rest
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 drop squats
5/side tall plank to alternating toe touch
4/side perfect stretch
30:00 AMRAP
10 cal row
10 DB rows L+R =2 50/35 35/20
10 Devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 abmat sit ups
add 10 reps each round (round 2= 20 reps, round 3 + 30 reps)
partners divide up reps as they choose
one work, one rest
WOD #1
10:00 AMRAP
"Base Camp"
6/side bicep curl + Arnold press
8/side single arm DB deadlifts
10 prisoner step ups
Rest 2:00
WOD #2
3 Rounds(12:00)
30 Seconds- Floor Press
30 Seconds- Row
30 Seconds- RDL
One round on the Right side then straight into one round on the Left side
Rest 1 Minute and repeat
Warm Up200m run10 DB sumo deadlifts
10 DB good mornings
10/side DB hip hurdles
10/side DB Turkish sit ups
200m run
Strength Set
3 sets
A. Split Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift @ 3110 6-8/leg
B. Single leg hip thrusts @20x0 6-8/leg
WOD #1
10:00 AMRAP
"Base Camp"
6/side bicep curl + Arnold press
8/side single arm DB deadlifts
10 prisoner step ups
Rest 2:00
WOD #2
3 Rounds(12:00)
30 Seconds- Floor Press
30 Seconds- Row
30 Seconds- RDL
One round on the Right side then straight into one round on the Left side
Rest 1 Minute and repeat
24:00 EMOM
min 1- OH walking lunges x 8 each side
min 2- box jump overs x 10
min 3- deadlifts x 5- 10 depending on load
min 4- burpees x 8 or sledge hammer strikes x 8/side
min 5- DB rows x 10/side or slam balls x 10
min 6- rest
Warm Up
3 sets of
5 DB RDLs each side @ 3030
10 Cuban press with stick
5 burpee high jump
5 tuck ups or v-ups
90/90 hip switches x 8 each side
Samson stretch x 30 seconds each side
90/90 hip switch with a hip extension at the top x 8 each side
24:00 EMOM
min 1- OH walking lunges x 8 each side
min 2- box jump overs x 10
min 3- deadlifts x 5- 10 depending on load
min 4- burpees x 8 or sledge hammer strikes x 8/side
min 5- DB rows x 10/side or slam balls x 10
min 6- rest
3 rounds for time
50 DB rows or barbell bent over rows * 75/55 or 45/35 (barbell weight)
400m run
50 sit ups
800m run
Warm Up
3 rounds
Down dog shoulder taps x 10/side
Side plank powell press x 10/side- light weight
Curtsy step downs from box x 8/side
Frog pumps x 20 + 20 second isometric hold
pigeon pose x 30 seconds/side
ankle stretch on box x 30 seconds/side
PVC pass thrus x 15 reps
Home Weightlifting
Snatch balance + OHS 4 sets of 3+3
Press in snatch 4 sets of 3 with a slow descend back to the neck
Slow motion squat snatch 4 sets of 3
3 rounds for time
50 DB rows or barbell bent over rows * 75/55 or 45/35 (barbell weight)
400m run
50 sit ups
800m run
4 RFT- grind through this wod with good form. Grab that sandbag and move it quickly- but it should be heavy. try for unbroken barbell movements.
10 front squats 115/75 95/65
12 sumo deadlift high pull 115/75 95/65
150 foot bear hug sandbag carry- carry the Rogue black bags if you can or a wreckbag/sandbag
10 single arm DB overhead squats (5 each side) 50/35 35/20
12 DB rows in a plank position (6 each side) 50/35 35/20
150 foot sandbag carry
Warm Up
2 sets of:
50 single unders
10 reps each side single arm KB swings- light
8 reps Turkish sit ups- two KB or DB held straight overhead
8 reps barbell bent over rows
8 reps barbell roll outs
6 sumo inchworms
30 seconds barbell overhead hold
nerve flossing x 10 reps
deep squat progressions x 10 reps
wall slides with feet in a butterfly position seated next to the wall x 10 reps
2 sets
1. Skater Squat x 6/leg - the reach behind and torso lean places a great emphasis on the posterior leg muscles.
2. Cuban press with PVC x 10 reps
4 RFT- grind through this wod with good form. Grab that sandbag and move it quickly- but it should be heavy. try for unbroken barbell movements.
10 front squats 115/75 95/65
12 sumo deadlift high pull 115/75 95/65
150 foot bear hug sandbag carry- carry the Rogue black bags if you can or a wreckbag/sandbag
10 single arm DB overhead squats (5 each side) 50/35 35/20
12 DB rows in a plank position (6 each side) 50/35 35/20
150 foot sandbag carry