workout of the day
"Lickety Split"
Run 200m
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 DUs or 100 singles
rest 1:30
Warm Up
3 sets
50 single unders
5 inchworms
20 second handstand hold
3 sets
A. wall sit 45 seconds
B. cyclist squats with load x 15 reps
C. hamstring curls on MB or rower seat x 15 reps
TTB drills:
A. kip shape drill- hanging on the bar with legs against the box- press into a hollow and then arch position. Push down on the bar. x 5 reps
B. work with a partner to have them place their hand out in front of the legs with your TTB swings. Raise your hand and have your partner try to keep hitting it with the feet.
Key Points:
1. Pull into hollow as hips hinge into pike
2. Pull down on bar through entire skill to create tension
3. Palms press down on rig, lats fully engaged
4. Neutral head
5. Drive heels down and back fast to repeat next rep
"Lickety Split"
Run 200m
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 DUs or 100 singles
rest 1:30
For Time
18:00 time cap
80 DUs
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 pull ups
80 DUs
30 DB hang clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
13 pull ups
80 DUs
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
6 pull ups
Warm Up
50 single unders
5 each side Cossack squats
45 seconds wall sit
30 handstand hold
3 sets
10 Russian baby makers
10 barbell front squats
10 barbell strict press
5 calf eccentrics each side
Lats to Fly
3 sets
A. hanging scap pull ups x 10
B. hollow sliders- feet on a scooter or the rower seat, open and close shoulders to gain movement, do not bend or pike at hips. No sagging midline. x 10 reps
For Time
18:00 time cap
80 DUs
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 pull ups
80 DUs
30 DB hang clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
13 pull ups
80 DUs
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
6 pull ups
09.12.2020 Partner WOD
"Game Day"
partner "You go I go"
For Time
12 rounds
24 DUs or 48 singles
8 alt. DB snatch 50/35 35/20
12 rounds
12 wall balls 20/14
6 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
Warm Up
2 rounds
100m run + 50 single jumps
With a single dumbbell: 2 DB bent over rows + 2 DB snatch + 2 DB OHS each side
100m run + 50 single jumps
With dual dumbells: 4 alternating DB rows + 2 dual DB cleans + 4 alternating DB press
body saw x 10 reps- a plank position on the elbows, rock forward and back
deep squat progressions x 5 repspigeon pose x 30 seconds each side
deep squat hold x 30 seconds
"Game Day"partner "You go I go"
For Time
12 rounds
24 DUs or 48 singles
8 alt. DB snatch 50/35 35/20
12 rounds
12 wall balls 20/14
6 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
15:00 AMRAP
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 135/95 95/65
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 155/105 115/75
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 185/115 135/85
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 205/125 155/95
keep adding rounds of DUs and squat cleans until time expires
remaining weights:
RX 225/135
Inter 175/105
Warm Up
2 Rounds:
200m run, 6 Spiderman and Reach
200m run, 5 Russian baby makers
200m run, 4 Inchworms
In each run, gradually build from a slow pace to a medium pace.
Mobility: Squat
1. quadruped rocker on toes- knees hover x 10 reps
2. squat to a walk out plank (like an inchworm without the push up) x 8 reps
3. deep squat progression without the single arm movements x 10 reps
4. half kneeling position to a pigeon pose stretch x 8 reps/side
5. goblet squat with a 3 second pause x 10 reps
6. back squat with KB on the back with a 2 second pause x 10 reps
Barbell warm up for cleans
2 rounds- first with empty bar, then add light load
Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Clean High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 3 reps
Tall Cleans x 3 reps
Hang Power Clean x 3 reps
Squat Clean from Below Knee x 3 reps
15:00 AMRAP
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 135/95 95/65
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 155/105 115/75
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 185/115 135/85
100 DUs or 150 single unders
8 squat cleans 205/125 155/95
keep adding rounds of DUs and squat cleans until time expires
remaining weights:
RX 225/135
Inter 175/105
15:00 AMRAP
12 DB power clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
12 DB front racked walking lunges (6 each)
12 TTB
60 DUs
Warm Up
2:00 bike/row
2 each side TGU
2 lengths of the gym bear crawl
10 steps death march with light DB
Skill: bench press
5 sets of 2 reps @ 70%
15:00 AMRAP
12 DB power clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
12 DB front racked walking lunges (6 each)
12 TTB
60 DUs
Post WOD core challenge
Try to keep your knees low to the ground and don’t shift your hips.
Try 3 sets of 5 each side!