workout of the day
"The Standard"
For Time
50 alternating DB snatch 50/35 40/25 35/20
*100 feet OH walking lunges- use both DBs or one plate 45/25#
*100 feet is measured as 25 feet and turn around
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 cardio choice
5 yoga push ups
10 hip airplanes
10 deep squat progressions
30 second deep squat hold
A. banded face pulls x 20
B. PVC Cuban press x 10
C. squat Y's x 5 each side
Snatch Warm up
3 reps empty barbell or PVC
1. slow OHS
2. sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
A. snatch sots press x 4 reps for 3 sets- light load or empty barbell
B. snatch
8 sets of 1 rep snatch- build from 50-85%
"The Standard"
For Time
50 alternating DB snatch 50/35 40/25 35/20
*100 feet OH walking lunges- use both DBs or one plate 45/25#
*100 feet is measured as 25 feet and turn around
Core Finisher- if time remains
3 sets
hollow hold 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
flutter kicks 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
single leg V-Ups 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
"Walk Up"
3 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 155/105
50 feet OH walking lunges with one DB 50/35 35/20 (25 feet out and back)
Warm Up
2 sets
10 alternating single leg v-ups
10 Cossack squats
5 each side DB windmills
5 each side DB OH squats
10 glute bridges
Bullet proof shoulders
3 rounds
30 second KB arm bar/side - use a challenging weight
band upright row x 15 reps https://youtu.be/UVhWe4QfoYM
Snatch warm up
5 reps of each with empty barbell
1. Slow OHS
2. Sotts press to stand
3. Press to OHS
4. Drop snatch
5. Snatch from the power position
snatch press in the receiving position 4 x 3 reps
A. 3 sets of 2 hang muscle snatch + 2 OHS @ 30-40%
B. 5:00 EMOM 1 pause snatch @ 60-70%
pause 3 seconds at the knee, then snatch
C. 5:00 EMOM 1 snatch @ 75%
"Walk Up"
3 deadlifts 225/155 185/125 155/105
50 feet OH walking lunges with one DB 50/35 35/20 (25 feet out and back)
"Light Bright"
3 rounds
20 Overhead walking lunges with plate 25/15# - 10/side
5 squat snatch 135/95 115/85 95/65
20/15 cals bike or 500m row or run 500m (our 400m plus to the fence and back)
Rest 2:00
Warm Up
3 sets
10 PVC pass thrus10 PVC Cuban press
10 PVC snatch press in the receiving position
*last round move to an empty barbell for the snatch press and RDLs
Burgener Warm Up
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)
5:00 EMOM
1 x snatch high pull from the floor
1 x hang squat snatch
4:00 EMOM
3 x snatch grip segmented deadlift - pause at knee, mid- thigh and full extension
"Light Bright"
3 rounds
15 push ups
20/15 cals bike or 500m row or run 500m (our 400m plus to the fence and back)
Rest 2:00
300m Row or run
18 feet overhead walking lunges 45/25 plate- sub 18' HS walk
10 air squats
5 power cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
Warm Up
2 Rounds:
250 Meter Row, 6 Spiderman and Reach
250 Meter Row, 5 Russian baby makers
250 Meter Row, 4 Inchworms
In each row, gradually build from a slow pace to a medium pace.
hips- set up a band at hip height or lower across the rig. Standing next to the band, swing one leg over the band followed by the other leg. Keep your arms in a prisoner stance with hands behind the head and elbows out. Squeeze shoulder blades together. 6-8 reps each side
ankles- squat hold with a heavy sandbag or a plate for 1:00
shoulders- with a theraband perform 10 reps of each: 5 sec W hold, pull aparts, diagonal pull aparts, pass thrus
Power Clean Warm Up
Completed with an empty barbell:
5 Good Mornings
5 Strict Presses
5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
5 Push Presses
5 Hang Muscle Cleans
5:00 EMOM Build steadily through the following complex
1 Hang Muscle Clean
1 Muscle Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean
300m Row or run
18 feet overhead walking lunges 45/25 plate- sub 18' HS walk
10 air squats
5 power cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
Tri- Couplet
3 couplets for time
all 12-9-6 rep scheme
Couplet 1
wall balls 20/14 and pull ups
Couplet 2
box jumps 24/20" and thrusters 95/65 75/55
Couplet 3
burpees to plate and OH walking lunges with plate 45/25 25/15
Make up Strength/Skill
Tri- Couplet
3 couplets for time
all 12-9-6 rep scheme
Couplet 1
wall balls 20/14 and pull ups
Couplet 2
box jumps 24/20" and thrusters 95/65 75/55
Couplet 3
burpees to plate and OH walking lunges with plate 45/25 25/15