workout of the day
08.16.2023 Member of the Month- Reid
WOD- Member of the Month Reid
Hot Shots 19
6 Rounds For Time
30 Air Squats- synchro
19 Power Cleans 155/105 115/85 95/65
14 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run- together
We are going to do this as a partner wod for Reid's workout. You will perform the air squats together, split the power cleans and pull ups, and run together.
4:00 EMOM
3 power cleans starting at 50% and build over the 4 sets
3 each side reverse lunges
WOD- Member of the Month Reid
Hot Shots 19
6 Rounds For Time
30 Air Squats- synchro
19 Power Cleans 155/105 115/85 95/65
14 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run- together
We are going to do this as a partner wod for Reid's workout. You will perform the air squats together, split the power cleans and pull ups, and run together.
07.03.2023 Morning and noon only
10:00 AMRAP
5 C2B pull ups
10 hand release push ups
15 jumping air squats
20 shuttle runs- each length counts as a rep
Rest 2:00
10:00 AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
20 shuttle runs
Bench press
3 sets of 6 reps @ 65%
10:00 AMRAP
5 C2B pull ups
10 hand release push ups
15 jumping air squats
20 shuttle runs- each length counts as a rep
Rest 2:00
10:00 AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
20 shuttle runs
Murph Prep
10 rounds
6 pull ups
12 push ups*
18 squats
200m run
* break this up between the other movements or scale the reps accordingly*
Front Squats x 5 sets
1-2 reps heavy
build with 2 reps until you can't hit the second rep. Start around your 60%
Murph Prep
10 rounds
6 pull ups
12 push ups*
18 squats
200m run
* break this up between the other movements or scale the reps accordingly*
"At My House"
8:00 AMRAP
5 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
10 push ups
15 pull ups
Rest 4:00
8:00 AMRAP
20 cals on a machine
30 air squats
Wendler week 1 round 2
Bench Press
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%
5+ reps @85%
this week we add 2-5lbs. to our max lift numbers
"At My House"
8:00 AMRAP
5 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
10 push ups
15 pull ups
Rest 4:00
8:00 AMRAP
20 cals on a machine
30 air squats
"Air Jordan"
Every 3:00 for 6 sets
30 DUs or 30 speed steps
10 push ups
20 air squats
Wendler week 4- deload
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
accessory- light weight or body weight
3 sets of Bulgarian split squats x8/side
3 sets of single side RDLs x 8/side
"Air Jordan"
Every 3:00 for 6 sets
30 DUs or 30 speed steps
10 push ups
20 air squats
"Riding with Murph"
7 rounds for time
15/12 cals bike or 18/14 cals row
15 air squats
10 push ups
5 pull ups
Bench Press Tips
Strength Cycle Week 1
Bench press
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%
5+ reps @ 85%
"Riding with Murph"
7 rounds for time
15/12 cals bike or 18/14 cals row
15 air squats
10 push ups
5 pull ups
"Sweat Fest"
Every 4:00 for 24:00
10 cals bike
20 air squats- on the even rounds
10 sit ups- on the odd rounds
15 cals row
2 rounds for quality
15 Turkish Sit-ups- with one plate- focus on pressing tall
10 Windmills [5 each side]- with one DB- focus on stability
10 slant board squats
"Sweat Fest"
Every 4:00 for 24:00
10 cals bike
20 air squats- on the even rounds
10 sit ups- on the odd rounds
15 cals row