workout of the day
8 rounds for time
20 bent over rows
15 curls
30 second overhead hold
sumo deadlift
4 sets of 8 reps @ 60-65% your max conventional DL
then 3 sets
A. foam roller hack squats or barbell hack squats x 10 reps with lighter load
B. bird dogs x 10 reps each side
8 rounds for time
20 bent over rows
15 curls
30 second overhead hold
"Apple Crumble"
12:00 AMRAP
10 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang clean and jerk
50 feet farmer carry walking lunges
RX 50/35
IN 35/25
SC 30/20
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 cardio choice
30 seconds 90/90 hip switches
8 each side reverse lunges
8 sumo deadlifts with DB or KB
wall sit 1:00
Squat hold for 2:00
hold the bottom of a squat which allows you to keep your chest up and your hip crease below parallel. You can hold on to something or elevate your heels.
5 x 5 reps @75%
then complete 3 sets 10 reps bent over rows
"Apple Crumble"
12:00 AMRAP
10 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang clean and jerk
50 feet farmer carry walking lunges
RX 50/35
IN 35/25
SC 30/20
For Time
4 rounds
15 cal row
5 squat cleans 155/105 115/85 95/65
rest 1:00
3 rounds
10 cal row
5 squat cleans 135/95 95/65 75/55
100' shuttle run (25 feet increments)
Warm Up
Row 1:00
10 KB swings
10 scap pull ups
10 single arm ring rows
10 empty barbell front squats
4 sets
A. 3 deadlifts to the knee + 1 deadlift start at 60% your max DL
B. 10 x bent over rows- build load
For Time
4 rounds
15 cal row
5 squat cleans 155/105 115/85 95/65
rest 1:00
3 rounds
10 cal row
5 squat cleans 135/95 95/65 75/55
100' shuttle run (25 feet increments)
8 sets
20 bent over rows
15 curls
30 second overhead hold
Warm up
2 sets
20 Banded Monster Walks
20 Tibialis Raises
10 Heels Elevated Prisoner Squats
A. banded front rack stretch x 30 seconds each side
B. banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
C. 4 each side perfect stretch
Front Squat Waves
4 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
4 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
4 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
1 rep @90%
8 sets
20 bent over rows
15 curls
30 second overhead hold
12.18.2021 12 Days of Christmas
12 Days of Christmas
1- 10 cals row, bike or ski
2- bar muscle up or ring dips or box dips
3- power snatch 115/75 95/65
4- thrusters 115/75 95/65
5- pull ups
6- power cleans 115/75 95/65
7- slam balls
8- DB RDLs (4 each side) 50/35 35/20
9- air squats
10- bent over rows 115/75 95/65
11- HSPU or box piked hspu
12- DB renegade rows- row, push up, row 50/35 35/20
Warm up
2 sets
200m cardio choice (400m on bike)
10 prone PVC lift offs
5 prone swimmers
2 sets
5-10 push ups
30 second handstand hold against wall
2 sets
10 x each side banded monster walks
10 x each side standing banded hip abduction
10 x banded tempo squats with a 3 second at halfway and at the bottom of the squat
12 Days of Christmas
1- 10 cals row, bike or ski
2- bar muscle up or ring dips or box dips
3- power snatch 115/75 95/65
4- thrusters 115/75 95/65
5- pull ups
6- power cleans 115/75 95/65
7- slam balls
8- DB RDLs (4 each side) 50/35 35/20
9- air squats
10- bent over rows 115/75 95/65
11- HSPU or box piked hspu
12- DB renegade rows- row, push up, row 50/35 35/20
8:00 AMRAP
4 bent over rows
4 reverse curls
4 strict press
4 reverse lunges
Warm Up
3 Rounds
A. Empty barbell good mornings x 10 reps
B. Empty barbell back squats x 10 reps
C. Alternating Shoulder Taps: x 10 with 3 second hold at the top
D. 1 Arm Overhead Hold: 30 seconds each side @ moderate weight (approximately 33% 1 rep max Shoulder Press) -elbow stays locked, shoulder engaged
E. 1 Arm Bent Over Rows: x 5 each arm @ weight used for 1 Arm Overhead Hold
4 sets
A. bench press x 3 reps- build load
B. chainsaw rows x 6-8/arm
C. straight arm lat pull downs x 12-15 reps
8:00 AMRAP
4 bent over rows
4 reverse curls
4 strict press
4 reverse lunges
Cool down
T-spine opener x 1:00 - lay with foam roller or MB underneath your upper body with extended arms
Twisted cross x 45 seconds each side
Heel sit x 1:00
"Double Header"
5 sets:
4 Hang Power Cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
4 Box Jump Step Down @ 30/24"
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
40 DU's or 80 singles
Warm Up
2 rounds
5/side lateral box step ups
5/side push ups to alternating pike toe touch
15 each direction banded walks
20 second side plank hold/side
Glute Focus
A. DB single leg RDLs x 10/side - lighter weight
B. prone straddle with band x max effort- use the yellow mini-band
C. banded air squat x 10 slow to fast
Upper Body Focus
A. DB or barbell bench press x 7 reps
B. DB bent over rows x 14 reps
C. Band pull aparts x 28 reps- use an orange band
Clean primer
6:00 EMOM
clean pull + hang power clean + squat clean
start at an empty bar and add load
"Double Header"
5 sets:
4 Hang Power Cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
4 Box Jump Step Down @ 30/24"
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
4 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00
5 sets:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
40 DU's or 80 singles
Cool Down
seal pose 1:00
supine twist 1:00/side
child's pose 1:00