workout of the day
"Over My Head"
6-5-4-3 power snatch 155/105 115/85 95/65
12-10-8-6 box jump overs 30/24" or 24/20"
12-10-8-6 TTB or hanging knee raises
Snatch warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/CleTE-wpZ4x/
5 reps of each
1. snatch grip high pulls
2. overhead squats
3. sots press
4. tall snatch- extension to pull under
5. high hang squat snatch
6. snatch
3 sets
A. snatch deadlift x 4 reps @ 80-100% your max snatch https://youtu.be/mp9gtX-JqB0
B. Bulgarian split squats x 8/leg
"Over My Head"
6-5-4-3 power snatch 155/105 115/85 95/65
12-10-8-6 box jump overs 30/24" or 24/20"
12-10-8-6 TTB or hanging knee raises
Bermuda Triangle
3 Rounds for Time
10/8 Calories*
7 Deadlifts
10/8 Calories
5 Power Clean
10/8 Calories
3 Hang Squat Clean
Rest 1 Minute following each round
15 Minute Time Cap
Increase weight for each round
*Athletes may choose to Row/Bike/Ski
Warm Up
3 sets
200m cardio
6-10 push ups
10 each side curtsy squats
10 barbell good mornings
5 each side KB RDLs
Strength- 3 super sets
A. Bulgarian split squats x 8 reps each side- moderate load
B. 2 reps Turkish get ups each side- increase load per round
Bermuda Triangle
3 Rounds for Time
10/8 Calories*
7 Deadlifts
10/8 Calories
5 Power Clean
10/8 Calories
3 Hang Squat Clean
Rest 1 Minute following each round
15 Minute Time Cap
Increase weight for each round
*Athletes may choose to Row/Bike/Ski
Every 5:00 for 20:00
7 sandbag cleans
12/10 cals bike
4 bar muscle up or chest to bar pull ups or strict pull ups
40 DUs or 80 singles
Warm Up
2 sets
hamstring march x 10 steps each side
10 skaters each side
rower hamstring curls x 15 reps
10 skaters each side
tall plank knees to elbows x 15 each side
Primer: squat warm up https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17887675001361780/
2 sets
empty barbell RDL + row x 10 reps
silverbacks x 10 reps
front squats
6 sets of 2 reps @75%
mix in 3 sets of 8 per side Bulgarian split squats (these can be bodyweight or light weight)
Every 5:00 for 20:00
7 sandbag cleans
12/10 cals bike
4 bar muscle up or chest to bar pull ups or strict pull ups
40 DUs or 80 singles
"Maroon Madness"
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 1 power clean @80% + 4 box jumps + 12 ball slams
min 2- max cals your choice machine
min 3- rest
Warm up
2 sets
empty bar clean high pulls x 10
empty bar muscle clean x 10
6 each side curtsy squats
6 each side low switch Cossack squats
6 each side quadruped shoulder taps with a 3 second pause
Primer- 2 sets
1. bottoms up alternating KB press x 6 each side
2. DB Chinese row x 10 each side https://youtu.be/o_Ul5lc7Vkw
3 sets
A. Bulgarian split squats x 10/ leg
B. DB box step ups x 5/leg- heavy load (more than last week)
"Maroon Madness"
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 1 power clean @80% + 4 box jumps + 12 ball slams
min 2- max cals your choice machine
min 3- rest
"Choose Wisely"
10:00 EMOM
5 power cleans + 5 shoulder to overhead
all movements must be unbroken
you pick the load, record
Warm Up
Cardio 2:00
3 sets
1. single leg glute bridges x 10 each side + 10 second hold on the last rep
2. McGill curl up x 10 reps- hands underneath your lower back, one leg bent with foot on the floor, the other leg is straight out. Curl the chin to the chest and lift the head slightly off the floor. Hold, feeling your back into your hands, for 3-5 seconds.
3. IYTs with light plates x 5 each letter then 5 prone swimmers
Back squats + Bulgarian split squats https://www.instagram.com/p/CasLKZ-Atj5/
First complete 3 x 8 reps each side Bulgarian split squats- no weight, then light load, then moderate load
2 x 4 reps back squat @ 65%, 70%
3 x 3 reps back squat @ 80%
"Choose Wisely"
10:00 EMOM
5 power cleans + 5 shoulder to overhead
all movements must be unbroken
you pick the load, record
3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Right
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Left
8/side drop lunge to knee lift https://youtu.be/CmwXTx8maOE
Strength Set
4 sets
A. 10 reps sumo deadlifts with a tempo 31x1
B. 8 reps/side Bulgarian split squats with a tempo 2110
C. 10 reps/side Cossack squats with a tempo 30X0
3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00
pike handstand push ups- pick any object
V-ups or tuck ups
bicep curls
touchdown squats each side 5,5 then 10,10 or do pistols
wall slides x 15 reps
KB or DB arm bars x 30 second hold https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UUjRynjdL/
Half kneeling KB or DB windmills x 6 each side
Wrist stretches x 1:00
Skill: handstand work from a cooler or a bench/box
Six sets of the entire complex: rest 1min between sets
1️⃣HSPU from the cooler x2
2️⃣Walk out to plank and back to stack x2
3️⃣Leg raises x1 per leg
4️⃣Corner walk x1 per corner
5️⃣Leg raises x1 per leg
6️⃣HSPU from the cooler x2 •
Home Weightlifting
back squat jumps 5 sets of 5 reps- use PVC on back
Bulgarian split squats 5 set of 10 reps/side- use no weight or DB load in the rack position
good mornings 5 sets of 10 reps- use a PVC or a band
pike handstand push ups- pick any object
V-ups or tuck ups
bicep curls
touchdown squats each side 5,5 then 10,10 or do pistols