workout of the day
13:00 AMRAP
25' walking lunges or 15-20' handstand walk
8 tall plank to elbows/side
2 Turkish get ups/side
8 Cossack squats/side
Warm Up
3 rounds
Grab a PVC for balance or a post-
10 forward leg swings
10 backward leg swings
10 left and right lateral leg swings
30 seconds goblet sumo deadlifts
30 seconds bird dogs
Primer: Glutes
2 sets- use a blue or green mini-band
1. seated clam shells x 12 each side
2. lateral walks x 12/way
3. standing kick backs x 10/side
4. banded air squats x 10
4 sets of 4 reps @ 62.5% with a 4 second eccentric
13:00 AMRAP
25' walking lunges or 15-20' handstand walk
8 tall plank to elbows/side
2 Turkish get ups/side
8 Cossack squats/side
"Black Dog"
part one
Turkish Get ups
100m sprint after each set
Rest 2:00
part two
power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 reps get ups after each set
Warm Up
3 sets
8 half kneeling band pull aparts/knee
12 lateral box step overs
30 second quadruped shoulder taps
Strength Set
3 sets
A. seated DB press x 8-10 reps @ 3021
B. Cossack squats x 16-20 reps @ 30x1 - option to add weight in goblet position
C. chainsaw rows x 8-10 reps @20x2
"Black Dog"
part one
Turkish Get ups
100m sprint after each set
Rest 2:00
part two
power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 reps get ups after each set
3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Right
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Left
8/side drop lunge to knee lift
Strength Set
4 sets
A. 10 reps sumo deadlifts with a tempo 31x1
B. 8 reps/side Bulgarian split squats with a tempo 2110
C. 10 reps/side Cossack squats with a tempo 30X0
3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Warm Up
30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
repeat above
4 each side perfect stretch
30 squat hold
5 inchworms
10 PVC Cuban presses
Strength EMOM 10:00
min 1: weighted step ups 45 seconds
min 2: strict press 45 seconds
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Glute Max
3 rounds
10/side single leg hip bridges
5/ side 2 foot up, 1 foot down slowly hip bridges
10/side single side lying hip bridges
30 frog pumps
45 seconds tall plank weighted pull thrus
Rest 1:00
Partners- you decide who does what
For Time
20 power cleans or 20 squat cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 step ups with weight or 30 box jumps 24/20" 25/15# plate
20 back squats or 20 front squat 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 alternating pistols or 30 alternating Cossack squats
20 ring rows or 20 pull ups
*after each exercise perform 100m (pylon and back) farmer carry 53/35 - both partner work on this at the same time
otherwise one work, one rest
Make up Strength/Skill
Partners- you decide who does what
For Time
20 power cleans or 20 squat cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 step ups with weight or 30 box jumps 24/20" 25/15# plate
20 back squats or 20 front squat 135/95 115/75 95/65
30 alternating pistols or 30 alternating Cossack squats
20 ring rows or 20 pull ups
*after each exercise perform 100m (pylon and back) farmer carry 53/35 - both partner work on this at the same time
otherwise one work, one rest
Warm Up3:00 run, row or bike then... 3 Rounds, rotating stations every :30 seconds: A) Alternating Samson Stretches B) Glute Bridges with feet up on a bench C) Alternating Spiderman + Reach D) Banded Good Mornings
Primer: Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (2 sets of each): Station 1 – Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps- slow descend Station 2 – Alternating Cossack Squats x 12 reps Station 3 – Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar or Handstand hold x 30-45 seconds Station 4 – L-Sit Taps x 40 seconds (10 each leg x 2 sets)
Every 4:00 for 4 rounds (16:00) 2 rope climbs or 6 up/downs 15 box jumps 24/20" Run 200m -out and around building to the street and back in the front door by the bikes