Warm Up
3 rounds
Grab a PVC for balance or a post-
10 forward leg swings
10 backward leg swings
10 left and right lateral leg swings
30 seconds goblet sumo deadlifts
30 seconds bird dogs
Primer: Glutes
2 sets- use a blue or green mini-band
1. seated clam shells x 12 each side
2. lateral walks x 12/way
3. standing kick backs x 10/side
4. banded air squats x 10
4 sets of 4 reps @ 62.5% with a 4 second eccentric
13:00 AMRAP
25' walking lunges or 15-20' handstand walk
8 tall plank to elbows/side
2 Turkish get ups/side
8 Cossack squats/side