workout of the day
"May We All Lunge"
For Time
100 feet (25' out and back) farmer carry walking lunges
Run 600m
75 feet (25' out and back) front rack walking lunges
Row 800m/700m
50 feet (25' out and back) overhead walking lunges
Bike 25/20 cals
DBs 50/35 35/20
Sumo Deadlift- waves
5 reps@ 70%
3 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 80%
1 rep @85%
"May We All Lunge"
For Time
100 feet (25' out and back) farmer carry walking lunges
Run 600m
75 feet (25' out and back) front rack walking lunges
Row 800m/700m
50 feet (25' out and back) overhead walking lunges
Bike 25/20 cals
DBs 50/35 35/20
08.09.2020 Swim WOD
4 single arm DB press/side
6 single arm DB row/side
12 total front rack lunges
100 m swim
4 single arm DB press/side
6 single arm DB row/side
12 total front rack lunges
100 m swim
EMOM Indefinitely
Odd- 15/12 Calorie Row
Even- Barbell Reps* of 30- Shoulder to Overhead- 20 Front rack Lunges (these are reverse lunges 20 each side) - 10 Power Snatches
RX 135/95
Intermediate 115/75
Scaled 95/65
*The goal should be to finish around 12 minutes, 10 Reps on the even minutes
Modifications if needed: WOD 10/8 calories, Push Press, Lunges and Hang Snatches with empty barbell
Warm Up
With a partner- medicine ball drills
Do 10 reps each of the following:
1. Chest passes: Focus on keeping the knees straight while quickly driving the ball away from the chest.
2. Rotational tosses: Focus on flexing at both the hips and knees while keeping the core engaged.
3. Overhead passes: Focus on keeping the core engaged while the ball is overhead and using a contraction in the lats to drive the ball to the other person.
4. Squat + chest pass to partner: Focus on creating a core-to-extremity pattern, similar to a wall ball or thruster.
hip flow
150 foot single arm overhead carry- every 10 feet, perform 2 single arm thrusters
(mark off a 30 foot course)
Skill: thrust and row
10:00 EMOM
min 1: 10 hip thrusts- shoulders on bench
min 2: inverted rows- either use rings with feet elevated or rack a bar and row at an inverted position
EMOM Indefinitely
Odd- 15/12 Calorie Row
Even- Barbell Reps* of 30- Shoulder to Overhead- 20 Front rack Lunges (these are reverse lunges 20 each side) - 10 Power Snatches
RX 135/95
Intermediate 115/75
Scaled 95/65
*The goal should be to finish around 12 minutes, 10 Reps on the even minutes
Modifications if needed: WOD 10/8 calories, Push Press, Lunges and Hang Snatches with empty barbell
On a running clock
3 rounds of
10 power snatch 135/95 115/75 75/55
10 C2B pull ups- sub pull ups
at 8:00 on the clock
3 rounds of
10 power cleans 135/95 115/75 75/55
10 front rack lunges (5 each leg)
at 16:00 on the clock
3 rounds of
10 front squats 135/95 115/75 75/55
10 lateral burpees over the bar
Warm Up
250/200m row or bike
12 slow to fast air squats
250/200m row or bike
12 KB swings
one length bear crawl
one length crab walk
2 sets of:
DB push press x 8 reps
DB front squat x 8 reps
DB Romanian deadlift x 8 reps
DB bent over rows x 8 reps
DB elevated push ups x 8 reps
Rest 1:00
Barbell warm up- 3 reps of each
good mornings
back squats
elbow rotations
strict press from behind the neck
stiff- legged deadlifts
front squats
Specific warm for cleans and snatches
1. establish the power position with the tapping and high pull drills
2. perform power snatch from the power position, hang position and from the mid-shin
3. perform power cleans from the same three positions
WOD- this may seem like a long wod, but treat it like three separate workouts. Push each 3 round section. You should be getting a few minutes of rest in between sections. The weight today is a moderate load that when fresh, you could do these movement unbroken.
On a running clock
3 rounds of
10 power snatch 135/95 115/75 75/55
10 C2B pull ups- sub pull ups
at 8:00 on the clock
3 rounds of
10 power cleans 135/95 115/75 75/55
10 front rack lunges (5 each leg)
at 16:00 on the clock
3 rounds of
10 front squats 135/95 115/75 75/55
10 lateral burpees over the bar