workout of the day
"Already Gone"
6 rounds for time
6 bar facing burpees
6 ground to overhead 135/95
6 bar facing burpees
rest 1:00 and record split
8 sets of slow pull snatch
(Perform a regular snatch, but the pull from the ground to mid thigh should be at half speed. Once you get to mid thigh you can explode full speed)
Set 1- 2 reps @ 55%
set 2- 2 reps @ 60%
sets 3-4 2 reps @65%
set 5-6 1 rep @ 70%
set 7-8 1 rep @75%
"Already Gone"
6 rounds for time
6 bar facing burpees
6 ground to overhead 135/95
6 bar facing burpees
rest 1:00 and record split
12.17.2022 Holiday Party Tonight 6:30
"Sick Joke"
Teams of 2
For Time:
Buy In: 50 Cal Machine
200 DUs or 400 SUs
150 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Ground to Overhead 115/85 95/65 75/55
75 Burpees Over Bar
50 Pull Ups
Buy Out: 50 Cal Machine
Warm Up
3:00 cardio choice
Thoracic and Squat flows
5 reps of each movement
1. yoga push ups
2. beast to alternating leg through
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. prone swimmers
5. prone swimmers with alternating hands- behind the back and behind the head.
squat flow 5 reps of each movement
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
Clean warm up with empty barbell
Burgener Warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1rOjbgILs/
jump and shrug
jump and shrug + high pull
jump and shrug + muscle clean
tall cleans 2",4",6" full squat
"Sick Joke"
Teams of 2
For Time:
Buy In: 50 Cal Machine
200 DUs or 400 SUs
150 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Ground to Overhead 115/85 95/65 75/55
75 Burpees Over Bar
50 Pull Ups
Buy Out: 50 Cal Machine
09.11.2021 Hero WOD 343 Never Forget
Hero WOD 343
100 Deadlifts 145/115
100 Power cleans 95/65
100 Ground to overhead 65/35
43 Burpees
scale to less reps or lighter weight
This wod was created and dedicated in honor of the 343 fire fighters who lost their lives on 9/11
Warm Up:
3 Sets Not For Time
5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Bottom Up KB Press/arm
20sec Side Plank/ side
30sec Dead Bug- move legs out and back slowly
*Move with purpose and focus - build a little weight on your press
Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Hero WOD 343
100 Deadlifts 145/115
100 Power cleans 95/65
100 Ground to overhead 65/35
43 Burpees
scale to less reps or lighter weight
This wod was created and dedicated in honor of the 343 fire fighters who lost their lives on 9/11.
3 rounds for time
400m run or row 500m or bike 24/20 cals
15 ground to overhead 135/95 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
2 rounds:
200 run
KB halos x 5 each direction
KB strict press x 5 each side
KB windmills x 5 each side
Bottoms up KB carry x 50 feet each side
KB racked reverse lunges x 6 each side
3 sets
A. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
B. xiaopengs x 5/arm
**For the front rack stretch, I focus on pushing the elbows up and back as hard as I can for ~30 sec per round.
**For the xiaopengs in each direction, I focus on creating a perfect circle- you can do these against the wall to guide you. I always rotate my palm up on the way up, and use 5-10lbs.
Strength Jerks
A. Press in the split- 3 sets of 5 with an empty bar https://youtu.be/65NfhQA-Y3U
B. Push jerk in the split- 3 sets of 3 @ 40-55% https://youtu.be/KVprSQhtRRg
C. Split jerks 5 x 2 reps @ 75-80% OR Strict press from the floor 5 x 3 @ 65%
3 rounds for time
400m run or row 500m or bike 24/20 cals
15 ground to overhead 135/95 115/75 95/65
cool down
1:00 puppy dog stretch
1:00 frog pose
:30 each side pigeon
09.11.18 Hero WOD 343
Hero WOD 343
100 Deadlifts 145/115
100 Power cleans 95/65
100 Ground to overhead 65/35
43 Burpees
scale to less reps or lighter weight
Warm Up:
3 Sets Not For Time
5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Bottom Up KB Press/arm
20sec Side Plank/ side
30sec Dead Bug- move legs out and back slowly
*Move with purpose and focus - build a little weight on your press
Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Banded good mornings with squats. Do 5 reps good mornings + 5 reps squats for 3 sets
Hero WOD 343
100 Deadlifts 145/115
100 Power cleans 95/65
100 Ground to overhead 65/35
43 Burpees
scale to less reps or lighter weight
Warm Up At very low intensity (walk through pace): 12-9-6 Calorie Row Air Squats (pausing in bottom) GHD or AbMat Sit-Ups
Barbell Warmup (empty barbell) 5 Good Mornings 5 Back Squats 5 Elbow Rotations 5 Strict Presses 5 Stiff Legged Deadlifts 5 Front Squats
then.. with an empty barbell
5 snatch grip RDLs
4 snatch pulls
3 snatch high pulls
2 power snatch
1 squat snatch
5 clean pulls
4 muscle cleans
3 push jerks
2 power cleans
1 split jerk
For Time
2 squat snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
3 G2OH
4 Burpees
4 squat snatch
5 G2OH
6 burpees
6 squat snatch
7 G2OH
8 burpees
8 squat snatch
9 G2OH
10 burpees