workout of the day
Sprint Test
15 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
800m run
10:00 time cap
Skill: push ups
warm up 2 sets of 10 prone PVC raises
A. 3 sets of 30 seconds handstand hold against the wall; rest 30 seconds
B. 4 sets of 7 push ups- maintain hollow body: no worming up from the push up, send triceps and elbows back
Sprint Test
15 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
800m run
10:00 time cap
"Fibannoci Triad"
For Time
Run 400m
power cleans
front squats
TTB or hanging knee raises
Run 400m
RX 115/85
INT 95/65
SC 75/55
Warm Up
2 sets
Run 100m- fence and back
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 kip swings
Bullet proof shoulders
2 x 10 reps lat eccentrics with PVC and a small plate on the PVC
2 rounds
6 reps reach, roll and lift
30 seconds of alternating bottoms up KB press- hold the KB at 90 degrees with the bottom facing up. Press one at a time alternating the presses.
Skill: handstand work
A. complete handstand holds on the wall or off a box
30 sec - 20sec- 15 sec- 10sec
rest approximately 30 seconds between sets
B. complete 2 sets of 20 reps of handstand shift and lift (10 per arm)- get feet on a box in the pike position, first a shift to fingers for balance, THEN LIFT!. You should see two movements: the shift & the lift. The hip moves over the active shoulder.
rest enough to be successful at all reps
helpful hints: higher the box, easier on hamstrings or bend knees if you have tight hamstrings & not able to get shoulders stacked over wrists because of lack of mobility
"Fibannoci Triad"
For Time
Run 400m
power cleans
front squats
TTB or hanging knee raises
Run 400m
RX 115/85
INT 95/65
SC 75/55
Upcoming Events: Bring a Friend Day 2/10 7/8/9am wods and Swim WOD 2/11 9:30am Warm Up: 2:00 bike or row 20 reps banded face pulls 10 reps feet elevated ring rows 5 reps gymnastics complex- inchworm, bottom of push up, scorpion stretch to each side, push up, walk feet to hands
Wrist stretches
Banded lat stretch x :30 each side
Couch stretch x :30 each side
Warm Up for gymnastics movements- ring swings, kip swings, dips, shoulder circles, arm circles
WOD 30:00 EMOM min 1- 3 muscle ups or 3 pull ups/3 ring dips min 2- 2 Heavy TGU (1 each side) min 3- 20' handstand walk or :40 handstand hold min 4- max cals on assault bike for :30 min 5- rest
score will be recorded at cals on bike
Warm UpTwo sets of: Good mornings x 20 repetitions Air Squats x 20 repetitions Skipping for height x 20 meters Skipping for distance x 20 meters Backward skipping x 20 meters
Mobility: Twisted Cross (pec stretch) x 30 seconds (each arm)
Band squats (upper) with a partner: have the athlete place both hands inside a resistance band with the backs of the hands against the band. Holding onto the band to create resistance, have the athlete place both arms overhead and pull back from the shoulders to keep tension while performing a squat. 6-10 reps each
Primer: One set of: Wall Slides x 40 reps (or 2 minutes)
Option 1 – Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of: Donkey Kicks x 12 reps
Option 2 – Every 30 seconds for 2 minutes (4 sets) of: Back-To-Wall Handstand Hold x 15 seconds
Barbell warm up: 5 Good Mornings 5 Back Squats 5 Snatch Grip Elbow Rotations 5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Presses 5 Snatch Grip Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5 Overhead Squats
Primer: 3 sets of 3 reps tall snatch- start with empty barbell and add light load 3 sets of 2 reps snatch balance- light load and build
WOD 5 RFT 30 air squats 15 power snatches 95/65 25 DUs or 50 singles