workout of the day
WOD (20:00)
"Ball Be Rollin"
5 sets
every 3:00
5 burpee ball slams 35/25
10 ttb or hanging knee raises
15 wall balls 20/14
max cals row in remaining time
Rest 1:00
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 row/bike/ski
20L/20R lateral banded walks
5 inchworms
barbell front rack squat hold 45/35#, 30 seconds
5 barbell front squats 45/35#
3 sets
1 clean extension
1 clean high pull
1 hang power clean & jerk
1 front squat
build load from 45%-60% clean & jerk max
Strength (12:00)
Every 2:00 for 6 sets
1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 jerk
start at 60% and build load
WOD (20:00)
"Ball Be Rollin"
5 sets
every 3:00
5 burpee ball slams 35/25
10 ttb or hanging knee raises
15 wall balls 20/14
max cals row in remaining time
Rest 1:00
"The Night of the Living Dead (legs)"
4 rounds for time
4 deadlifts 225/185 185/125 135/95
16 wall balls 20/14
24 DUs
directly into...
then max calories row for 3:00
2 rounds
200m run or row
10 each side single leg glute bridges- feet on box
10 KB good mornings
10 clam shell planks/side- on elbow with legs bent at 90 degrees, raise hips and the clam shell
A. 10 x cat/camels
B. 10 x child's pose to cobra- keep moving between the two stretches
C. 10 x lat engaged hip hinges- with a band and a PVC on the rig
D. 10 x banded pull throughs on the rig
3 x 5 @ 72.5%
3 x 2 @ 80%, 85%, 90%
"The Night of the Living Dead (legs)"
4 rounds for time
4 deadlifts 225/185 185/125 135/95
16 wall balls 20/14
24 DUs
directly into...
then max calories row for 3:00
"Away We Go"
cardio intervals- pick a bike or a rower
6 sets (18:00)
30 seconds max cals
15 seconds rest
15 second max cals
2:00 rest
Warm Up
3 sets of
5 DB RDLs each side @ 3030
5 Cuban press with PVC
5 burpee high jump
5 tuck ups or v-ups
"Away We Go"
cardio intervals- pick a bike or a rower
6 sets (18:00)
30 seconds max cals
15 seconds rest
15 second max cals
2:00 rest
Core Builder
3 sets:
20 lying Leg raise to DB
20 Leg Lifts over DB
20 Weight DB sit ups
20 Hip Dips (10/side)
20 toe touch + knee to elbow + knee cross body (10/side)
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Warm Up400m bike or row
One set of: Banded Monster Walks x 10 steps forward and backward Banded Lateral Walks x 10 steps each direction
Upper Body Warm-Up Series x 10 reps each
2 set of 15 reps each side with lighter KB weight so you can balance
Half Kneeling bottoms up kettle bell press
Snatch Barbell Warmup (empty barbell) 5 Good Mornings 5 Back Squats 5 Elbow Rotations 5 Snatch-Grip Strict Presses 5 Snatch-Grip Stiff Legged Deadlifts 5 Overhead Squats
Skill: snatch complex
3 sets of 5 reps of the complex
1 power snatch + 1 OHS + 1 squat snatch
set 1 @ 65% for 5 reps of the complex- rest in between reps
set 2 @ 70% for 5 reps of the complex
set 3 @75% for 5 reps of the complex
16:00 OTM
min 1: 15 SDLHP 75/55
min 2: 15 wall balls to 10' target 20/14
min 3: max cals row
min 4: rest