workout of the day
Sprint Test
15 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
800m run
10:00 time cap
Skill: push ups
warm up 2 sets of 10 prone PVC raises
A. 3 sets of 30 seconds handstand hold against the wall; rest 30 seconds
B. 4 sets of 7 push ups- maintain hollow body: no worming up from the push up, send triceps and elbows back
Sprint Test
15 clean & jerk 155/105 135/95 115/75
800m run
10:00 time cap
"Quarters Like"
9 front squats 185/135
4 x 25' handstand walk or 6 x 25' scooter walk
15 front squats155/105
15 HSPU or piked on a box
21 front squats 95/65
21 hand release push ups
Wendler week 3
back squats
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ reps @ 95%
Handstand push up skills- 2 sets
A. kick up to the wall x 5-8 reps- gently touch the wall with your feet
B. slow negatives with kick off wall x 5 reps
C. handstand press out- start with your head on multiple pads( if needed) and press out to the top of the handstand- this should be from a dead stop, not a quick head touch. x 5 reps
Push up Skills- 2 sets
A. plank shoulder taps x 10/side- stabilize the core
B. plank front reaches x 8/side- stabilize the core and reach the arm out in front
C. incline push ups x 5 reps each at different heights- work your way to a lower incline
D. slow lowering to work on eccentric x 5 reps -once you are on the floor, push up with the knees down to reset
"Quarters Like"
9 front squats 185/135
4 x 25' handstand walk or 6 x 25' scooter walk
15 front squats155/105
15 HSPU or piked on a box
21 front squats 95/65
21 hand release push ups