workout of the day
24:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike
min 2- 100 feet sandbag carry
min 3- 10 barbell RDLs 135/95 115/75 95/65
min 4- 10 push ups
A. landmine meadow rows x 8/side @20X1 https://youtu.be/e-c4gMcqdyw
B. Turkish get ups x 2-3 per side- moderately heavy
24:00 EMOM
min 1- 13/10 cals bike
min 2- 100 feet sandbag carry
min 3- 10 barbell RDLs 135/95 115/75 95/65
min 4- 10 push ups
"Randy with Abs"
1:00 complete 15 TTB or scale to hanging knee raises then max reps power snatch 75/55 45/35
1:00 rest
this continues until you reach 75 reps snatch
8:00 EMOM
min 1- 20 American KB swings
min 2- 50 feet sandbag carry
each weight you choose should allow you to be challenged but go unbroken
"Randy with Abs"
1:00 complete 15 TTB or scale to hanging knee raises then max reps power snatch 75/55 45/35
1:00 rest
this continues until you reach 75 reps snatch
03.02.2023 Some partner work
WOD- individually
"Austin Powers"
5 rounds for time
10 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
6 front squats
4 clusters
115/75 95/65 55/45
Primer- with a buddy
bike 100 cals
one person bikes while the other carries a heavy sandbag. Record distance traveled and the time to bike 100 cals
WOD- individually
"Austin Powers"
5 rounds for time
10 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
6 front squats
4 clusters
115/75 95/65 55/45
10.01.2022 Teams
"2- Point Conversion"
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
Warm up
Bike/row 2:00
side shuffle x 2 lengths of gym
walking lunges x 2 lengths of gym
sumo inchworms x 10 reps
squat press outs with light plate or DB x 10 reps - in the bottom of the squat press the plate straight out and back
lateral leg swings x 10 each
3 sets of this complex each side
2 DB windmills+1 DB single arm ohs + 2 DB single arm press in squat.
"2- Point Conversion"
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
08.31.2022 Partner WOD
Team of 2
25:00 AMRAP
200m sandbag carry- together switching the bag back and forth
2 rounds
20 deadlifts 185/125 135/95 115/75
10 synchro bar facing burpees*
*the synchro happens when both people are flat on the floor
Warm Up
2 rounds
8 alternating bird dogs @2020
5 single arm walking KB swing- each side https://youtu.be/KERoYjuxq7g
10 second standing straight leg hold- each side
50 feet single arm OH carry- each side
Skill: handstand work from a bench/box + RDLs
Super Set 3 times
A. Gymnastics complex- rest as needed between sets
1️ HSPU from the box x 2
2️ Walk out to plank and back to stack x 2
3️ Leg raises x1 per leg
4️ Corner walk x1 per corner
5️ Leg raises x1 per leg
6️ HSPU from the box x 2
B. Single leg KB RDLs x 6-8 reps heavy
Team of 2
25:00 AMRAP
200m sandbag carry- together switching the bag back and forth
2 rounds
20 deadlifts 185/125 135/95 115/75
10 synchro bar facing burpees*
*the synchro happens when both people are flat on the floor
"Lake Monona"
4 rounds for time
50m farmer carry 53/35
10 single arm KB hang clean & jerk 53/35
50 m farmer carry
Rest 1:00
4 rounds for time
50m sandbag bear hug carry
5 x sandbag ground to shoulder
50m sandbag bear hug carry
Rest 1:00
Warm Up
50 single unders
5 each side Cossack squats
45 seconds wall sit
30 handstand hold
3 sets
10 Russian baby makers
10 DB/KB deadlifts
10 DB/KB strict press
5 calf eccentrics each side
3 sets
A. hanging scap pull ups x 10
B. hollow sliders- feet on a scooter or the rower seat, open and close shoulders to gain movement, do not bend or pike at hips. No sagging midline. x 10 reps
"Lake Monona"
4 rounds for time
50m farmer carry 53/35
10 single arm KB hang clean & jerk 53/35
50 m farmer carry
Rest 1:00
4 rounds for time
50m sandbag bear hug carry
5 x sandbag ground to shoulder
50m sandbag bear hug carry
Rest 1:00
every 2:30 for 20:00
alternate rounds
1- 50m sled pull + 12 lateral line burpees
2- 14/10 cals bike + 8 devils press 50/35 35/20
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 mountain climbers each leg
20 Lateral Band Walks/side
10 banded air squats
10 Tall Kneeling to Standing (5/side)
prone PVC lift offs x 15 reps
standing hollow banded pull- downs x 15 reps
wall slides x 15 reps
every 2:30 for 20:00
alternate rounds
1- 50m sled pull + 12 lateral line burpees
2- 14/10 cals bike + 8 devils press 50/35 35/20
2 sets
1- 50m sandbag carry- bear hug + 30 seconds hollow hold
2- 50 m sled drag + 30 seconds side plank- each side