workout of the day
"Bacon Maple Glaze"
3 rounds for time
100 feet single arm overhead walking lunges 50/35 35/20
10 burpee pull ups
20 crossovers or speed steps
Front Squats
5 x 5 reps
1 tempo front squat @ 3211 + 4 front squats @ 75-80%
"Bacon Maple Glaze"
3 rounds for time
100 feet single arm overhead walking lunges 50/35 35/20
10 burpee pull ups
20 crossovers or speed steps
"Walk Up"
14:00 AMRAP
6 DB deadlifts
6 DB step overs
4 tire flips
50 feet single arm overhead walking lunges (right side)
50 feet single arm overhead walking lunges (left side)
Db deaWarm Up
2 rounds
100m run
2 TGU each side
10 each side reverse plank bridges https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIizoQlxhN/
10 each side bird dogs
4-5 each side perfect stretch
Gymnastics conditioning:https://www.instagram.com/p/BvzfCj-gD8V/
Keep those shoulders strong, core engaged, and gain full body control with simple (yet challenging) warmup sets like this:
•Plank Foot Taps
•then 1 pike up handstand
•return to hollow plank
(rest as needed to be successful at all sets or go unbroken!)
🔑 If the ball starts moving you have too much weight towards your feet - lean more to shoulders and press down thru ground.
Strength Set
3 rounds
A. back rack drop back lunges x 8 reps @ 30X0
B. hollow hold x 30 seconds - sub bent knee hollow hold
3 rounds
A. back rack cyclist squats x 8 reps @2110
B. body saw x 10 reps
"Walk Up"
14:00 AMRAP
6 DB deadlifts
6 DB step overs
4 tire flips
50 feet single arm overhead walking lunges (right side)
50 feet single arm overhead walking lunges (left side)
"One Around"
For Time
10 man makers* check notes
20 DB deadlifts
30 alternating DB snatch
40 single arm overhead walking lunges- 20 each side
50 DB swings
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 Kang squats
5/side half kneeling strict press
10 slow to fast squat press out- once at the bottom of the squat, press out a weight from the chest
5/side single arm DB or KB swings
10 mountain climbers- slow and stretchy
20 second hollow hold
9/side bird dogs- slowly
20 second hollow hold
5/side push up T's
20 second hollow hold
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 10 glute bridge walk outs
min 2- 45 second hold of your choice
min 3- 10 narrow grip inclined push ups with a 2-3 second descend
min 4- 30 second hold of your choice
"One Around"
For Time
10 man makers* check notes
20 DB deadlifts
30 alternating DB snatch
40 single arm overhead walking lunges- 20 each side
50 DB swings