workout of the day
"So Flipping Good"
12:00 AMRAP
single arm devil's press 4= 2 right, 2 left 50/35 35/20
tire flips
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 75%
then 1 x max reps @ 55%
"So Flipping Good"
12:00 AMRAP
single arm devil's press 4= 2 right, 2 left 50/35 35/20
tire flips
"The Filly"
not timed- go for quality
1-2-3-4 Turkish get ups each side 50/35
2-4-6-8 single arm devil's press each side 50/35
4-6-8-10 KB or DB deadlifts- dual
6-8-10-12 V-ups
Wendler week 2 cycle 2
Back Squats
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
Super Set x 3 rounds
A. landmine RDLs x 8/side
B. Cossack squats x 6-8/side *option to add load
C. banded pull aparts x 30 reps
"The Filly"
not timed- go for quality
1-2-3-4 Turkish get ups each side 50/35
2-4-6-8 single arm devil's press each side 50/35
4-6-8-10 KB or DB deadlifts- dual
6-8-10-12 V-ups
06.04.2022 Partner WOD
"You go, I go"
8:00 AMRAP
5 deadlifts 185/125 135/95 115/75
5 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
10 lunges or pistols
Rest 2:00
12:00 AMRAP
2 wall walks
8 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
12/10 cals bike
Warm Up
2 sets
200m run or row
10 barbell good mornings
10 each side plank shoulder taps
5 box jump/step downs
5 narrow stance or feet together squats
Partner WOD
"You go, I go"
8:00 AMRAP
5 deadlifts 185/125 135/95 115/75
5 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
10 lunges or pistols
Rest 2:00
12:00 AMRAP
2 wall walks
8 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
12/10 cals bike
2 rounds *record splits
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/30
30 pull ups or banded pull ups
20 single arm devil's press
10 TTB
5 wall walks
Rest 5:00
Warm up
5 x half kneeling lift and chop
1 x DB complex starting in a plank position: row right side + push up + row left side + push up, 2 x power clean, 3 x single arm push press/side (add load each round)
Hollow body flutter kicks x 10
3 rounds
A. barbell hip thrusts x 12 reps at a lighter load for good positioning. https://www.instagram.com/p/BumouKIlpz9/The goal with this exercise is to get the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings) to extend the hip, not the lower back. Get the ribs down to establish neutral core positioning.
B. Turkish sit ups x 10 reps- hold KB/DB in each hand - extended overhead the entire sit up
C. Isometric hold of your choosing x 30 seconds -squat hold, handstand hold, lunge hold, dip hold...
2 rounds *record splits
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/30
30 pull ups or banded pull ups
20 single arm devil's press
10 TTB
5 wall walks
Rest 5:00
Test SEVEN: The Chipper
For Time
75/60 cal row
60 anchored feet sit ups or GHD sit ups
50/40 cal row
50 alternating single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
25/20 cal row
40 single arm DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
*25:00 Time Cap
Warm Up
3 sets
8 sumo squat goblet good mornings
3/side Cossack squats
8/side half kneeling chop and lift
3/side half kneeling windmills
10/side hip hurdles
5/side reach, roll & lift
5 reps feet together squat & hold 10 seconds + forward fold stretch for 10 seconds
Test SEVEN: The Chipper
For Time
75/60 cal row
60 anchored feet sit ups or GHD sit ups
50/40 cal row
50 alternating single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
25/20 cal row
40 single arm DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
*25:00 Time Cap
Cool Down
1:00 bound angle stretch
1:00 standing straddle stretch
1:00 90/90 hip switches
"Double Check"
AMRAP 14:00
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 single DB step ups 24/20"
10 TTB or sub hanging knee raises
Warm Up
3 sets
200m row
front rack DB squat + single arm press x 5 reps Right side
front rack DB squat + single arm press x 5 reps Left side
3 sets
A. barbell hip thrusts x 10 reps-moderately heavy weight
B. bird dog rows x 8/side- heavy DB
"Discount Double Check"
AMRAP 14:00
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 single DB step ups 24/20"
10 TTB or sub hanging knee raises
Core Finisher
Core Workout #9
3 sets of:
Tuck-Up x 10/15/20 reps
V-Up x 10/15/20 reps
Candlestick Raises x 10/15/20 reps
One Arm/One Leg Plank x 10/15/20 reps
Hand Plank Knee-To-Armpit x 10/15/20 reps
Low Push-Up Hold x max effortRest as needed
"Ring the Bell"
sumo deadlifts 185/135 155/115 135/95
toes to rings
AT home
"Ring the Bell"
4 rounds
3:00 running clock
10 sumo deadlifts
8/side Turkish sit ups
6/side single arm devil's press
in remaining time either OH DB hold or wall sit
rest 1:00
Warm up
3 rounds
banded hip thrusts x 20
reverse snow angels x 15
calf raises x 10
3 sets
A. front foot elevated drop back lunges x 8/side @ 21X1
B. hip hurdles x 10/side
C. half kneeling DB lift and chop x 6/side
"Ring the Bell"
sumo deadlifts 185/135 155/115 135/95
toes to rings
AT home
"Ring the Bell"
4 rounds
3:00 running clock
10 sumo deadlifts
8/side Turkish sit ups
6/side single arm devil's press
in remaining time either OH DB hold or wall sit
rest 1:00
Cool Down
2:00 seated straddle
1:00 Jefferson curls